namespace Sailthru\MageSail;
use Magento\Store\Model\StoreManager;
use Zend\Log\Logger as ZendLogger;
use Zend\Log\Writer\Stream;
class Logger extends ZendLogger
You should be able to change it to use MonoLogger. I did take a very quick attempt try at this, but ran into some errors -
Type Error occurred when creating object: Sailthru\MageSail\Logger, Too few arguments to function Monolog\Logger::__construct(), 0 passed in /app/vendor/sailthru/sailthru-magento2-extension/Logger.php on line 18 and at least 1 expected
MonoLogger can be found at vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Logger.php
For now, I've been able to just get rid of the construct method to allow the upgrade to work, so essentially getting rid of logging for the extension. If I circle back to this before after testing other parts of the upgrade I may attempt to rewrite it again, depending on time.
From trying to upgrade from 2.4.1 > 2.4.3 there seems to be an issue with the compilation
php ./bin/magento setup:di:compile --ansi --no-interaction '-vvv'
From checking various logs, it seems to be with the Zend\Log\Logger class -
report.CRITICAL: Class \Zend\Log does not exist
I'm guessing this is a change from the Zend framework being slowly deprecated for laminas project?
File in question is -
You should be able to change it to use MonoLogger. I did take a very quick attempt try at this, but ran into some errors -
Type Error occurred when creating object: Sailthru\MageSail\Logger, Too few arguments to function Monolog\Logger::__construct(), 0 passed in /app/vendor/sailthru/sailthru-magento2-extension/Logger.php on line 18 and at least 1 expected
MonoLogger can be found at
For now, I've been able to just get rid of the construct method to allow the upgrade to work, so essentially getting rid of logging for the extension. If I circle back to this before after testing other parts of the upgrade I may attempt to rewrite it again, depending on time.