saimoomedits / dotfiles

The ArchLinux and AwesomeWM configs. 📂
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music decoration fix #10

Closed niraj998 closed 2 years ago

niraj998 commented 2 years ago

All terminals handle class differently. add decorations to both class and instance.

for example. if you run alacritty --class music you'll get, Instance = music and class = music

and if you run st -c music you'll get, Instance = st and class = music (You won't get music decorations in this case.)

this pull request fixes the issue and adds decorations to both class and instance.

This is not a part of pull request but. throughout the configurations you're using os.getenv("HOME") it's much better to define it as an variable than calling on function over and over again. like this home = os.getenv("HOME") or home = "/home/*user*" and now you can simply use home wherever you want. because home .. "/.config" is much better then os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config"

saimoomedits commented 2 years ago

ah I see, thanks for the help really appreciate it :+1:

ill add the home variable in the next refactor commit,
