sainnhe / edge

Clean & Elegant Color Scheme inspired by Atom One and Material
MIT License
869 stars 56 forks source link

Customising colours (help request - not an issue) #1

Closed drk-mtr closed 5 years ago

drk-mtr commented 5 years ago

I really like this scheme - thanks for sharing!

I need a little more contrast, so I'm trying to make the white whiter and the background a little darker.

Are you able to advise on which shade I need to change in order to modify the background by any chance? I tried a find/replace on #262729 but didn't get anywhere.

sainnhe commented 5 years ago

Edit template/_palette_dark.colortemplate and modify foreground and background.

Then open template/edge.colortemplate and execute :Colortemplate! ./ to generate this color scheme.

drk-mtr commented 5 years ago

Fantastic - thanks very much for pointing me in the right direction!

Edit: on the offchance anyone stumbles across this, you will need to install the colortemplate plugin and colors must be specified in lowercase.