sainnhe / edge

Clean & Elegant Color Scheme inspired by Atom One and Material
MIT License
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termguicolors option, wrong colors? #11

Closed lourdas closed 4 years ago

lourdas commented 4 years ago


I'm using vim 8.2 with the termguicolors option enabled and alacritty 0.4.2. I have installed your theme, but when I enable termguicolors, the colors are wrong.

This is vim with termguicolors enabled: Screenshot_20200420_091316 And with termguicolors disabled: Screenshot_20200420_091338 I think that the theme looks correctly if I have termguicolors disabled, but I'd like your opinion.

Is there something wrong with my vim setup?

sainnhe commented 4 years ago

I can't reproduce this, please provide minimal vimrc to reproduce the first screenshot.

lourdas commented 4 years ago

With this .vimrc:

execute pathogen#infect()
set termguicolors
set background=light
let g:edge_style='neon'
let g:edge_disable_italic_comment=1
let g:airline_themes='edge'
colorscheme edge

Vim looks like this: Screenshot_20200420_150505

sainnhe commented 4 years ago

I still cannot reproduce this using your vimrc, everything works fine in my machine, both in vim 8.2 and neovim . And I'm also using alacritty 0.4.2, pretty sure it supports true colors.

So the only possible reason I can think of is that your vim does not support termguicolors. Check the output of this command:

$ vim --version | grep termguicolors

Btw, if you set/unset termguicolors via vim command mode, you'll need to apply this color scheme again:

:colo edge
lourdas commented 4 years ago

vim --version | grep termguicolors gives:

+autochdir         +float             +multi_byte        +termguicolors

So, termguicolors is enabled. I will try with a non existing .vimrc.

lourdas commented 4 years ago

I believe that the Alacritty setup is somehow at fault for my distro (Gentoo). Konsole displays the color the same as in your screenshots (and with termguicolors enabled). I will investigate further with the Gentoo devs.

wirerydr commented 4 years ago

For what it's worth (possibly nothing), I noticed that my alacritty.yml had the following in it near the top, which was causing me colour problems:

#  TERM:        xterm

By default, alacritty will try a $TERM setting of 'alacritty' if it can find a matching termcap, and fallback to 'xterm-256color' if it cannot. In my case I don't have an alacritty termcap, and so having $TERM set to 'xterm-256color' caused me weird color problems. When I uncommented the alacritty config line above, forcing it to set a $TERM value of 'xterm', my problem went away. I also set it manually to 'xterm-256color' to confirm that this $TERM setting caused me problems - and it did.

TL;DR: Check out what your actual shell $TERM variable is getting set to by alacritty (versus Konsole), and see if perhaps fiddling with that might fix things for you.

sainnhe commented 4 years ago

Closed since it looks like a problem with the terminal emulator.