sainnhe / gruvbox-material

Gruvbox with Material Palette
MIT License
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[feature request] leave TS highlight to their default value #112

Closed antoinemadec closed 2 years ago

antoinemadec commented 2 years ago

This plugin redefines the TS highlights in colors/gruvbox-material.vim when nvim-treesitter already links them to standard highlights (Identifier, Function etc):

The default TS highlights are actually better IMO. For instance, it differentiates functions and built-it functions etc.

Would it be possible to remove the redefinition of TS highlights ?

PS: thanks for the amazing colorscheme ❤️

sainnhe commented 2 years ago

The default TS highlights are actually better IMO.

I don't think so. For example, the default highlights will link TSFuncBuiltin to Special which is yellow in this color scheme, but yellow is designed to highlight data type, class, etc.

Optimized tree-sitter highlights pay more attention to the semantics in highlighting.

Would it be possible to remove the redefinition of TS highlights ?

Actually the tree-sitter hi groups are linked to other hi groups, for example the semantic highlighting groups in coc.nvim:

So removing TS highlights will lead to a lot of code refactoring.

If you don't like current TS highlighting, it's always welcome to fork this repository and modify the code by yourself, simply deleting related code should work: