sainnhe / gruvbox-material

Gruvbox with Material Palette
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Can you share the config files that were used to generate the palette previews using prev_gen by @Aonodensetsu ? #191

Closed Vibhav201 closed 6 months ago

Vibhav201 commented 6 months ago

I saw in an old PR that prev_gen was used to generate the palette previews for this amazing colour scheme.

I wanted to have the palette previews in SVG format and it would be a lot easier for me to generate them if you could provide the config files (Python/JSON/TOML/YAML) that were used to generate the palette previews.

If you can please share the prev_gen files of Edge, Sonokai and Everforest as well. If possible please add them to the respective repos as well. SVGs help me to make ports quickly and the config files will help me to customise the palette previews.

Thanks in advance :)

antoineco commented 6 months ago

Tagging @Aonodensetsu

Ref. #164

Aonodensetsu commented 6 months ago

that was before i added code re-creation so you'd have to go back to before version 3.0, and use that to recover the colors, i'll look at it

Aonodensetsu commented 6 months ago

Get the old palette generator

pip install prev-gen==2.1

Convert to code, color names and settings are manual

from glob import glob
from prev_gen import Reverse
names = [
    ['bg_dim', 'bg0', 'bg1', 'bg2', 'bg3', 'bg4', 'bg5'],
for i in glob('*'):
    if '.png' not in i:
    if 'main' in i:
    s = f'from prev_gen import Color, Preview, Settings\npalette = [\n  Settings(fileName=\'{i.removesuffix(".png")}\', gridWidth=400, gridHeight=200),'
    t = Reverse(i)
    for r, k in zip(t, names):
        s += '\n  ['
        for c, l in zip(r, k):
            if c:
                s += f'\n    Color(\'{c.hex}\', \'{l}\'),'
        s += '\n  ],'
    s += '\n]\nPreview(palette, save=True, show=False)'
    with open(i.removesuffix('.png') + '.py', 'w') as f:

Get the new palette generator

pip install -U prev-gen

(Optional) Generate new previews

from glob import glob
for i in glob('*'):
    if '.py' not in i:
    if 'main' in i:
    with open(i, 'r') as f:

The palettes in new format, which allow prev_gen --out py filename to get the code (and then prev_gen --unsafe --out svg codefile for svg previews)

Copy the code above (and edit hardcoded values) for other palettes you want, but you can first try to extract code with the command above, because i added the re-creation quite early so hopefully most PNGs out there support it.

While doing this I discovered a bug, so you'll have to go into the generated code and remove the 'None' strings, since for some reason the unquoting broke.

Vibhav201 commented 6 months ago

The PNGs I downloaded from Github READMEs don't work directly with this command - prev_gen --out py filename.png. So, I guess have to manually edit the script you provided for each palette. Thanks for the help on this.

Vibhav201 commented 6 months ago

@antoineco I was able to recreate the palette python files with the script that @Aonodensetsu provided so I am closing this issue. If you want to add the files to the respective repos for all of @sainnhe's themes I can share them. Thanks for the help.