sainnhe / gruvbox-material

Gruvbox with Material Palette
MIT License
1.83k stars 164 forks source link

Transparency makes cursorcolum and cursorline invisible. #197

Closed Kindlewing closed 1 month ago

Kindlewing commented 5 months ago

I have done the following steps before reporting this issue:

Operating system/version


Terminal emulator/version


$TERM environment variable


Tmux version

No response

Feature matrix

============================================================================== crates: require("").check()

============================================================================== lazy: require("").check()

lazy.nvim ~

============================================================================== lspsaga: require("").check()

Lspsaga.nvim report ~

============================================================================== mason: require("").check()

mason.nvim ~

mason.nvim [Registries] ~

mason.nvim [Core utils] ~

mason.nvim [Languages] ~

mason.nvim [GitHub] ~

============================================================================== neoconf: require("").check()

neoconf.nvim ~

============================================================================== noice: require("").check()

noice.nvim ~

============================================================================== nvim: require("").check()

Configuration ~

Runtime ~

Performance ~

Remote Plugins ~

terminal ~

============================================================================== nvim-treesitter: require("").check()

Installation ~

OS Info: { machine = "x86_64", release = "6.7.1-arch1-1", sysname = "Linux", version = "#1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Sun, 21 Jan 2024 22:14:10 +0000" } ~

Parser/Features H L F I J

============================================================================== provider: health#provider#check

Clipboard (optional) ~

Python 3 provider (optional) ~

Python virtualenv ~

Ruby provider (optional) ~

Node.js provider (optional) ~

Perl provider (optional) ~

============================================================================== telescope: require("").check()

Checking for required plugins ~

Checking external dependencies ~

===== Installed extensions ===== ~

Telescope Extension: git_worktree ~

============================================================================== vim.lsp: require("").check()

vim.lsp: Active Clients ~

============================================================================== vim.treesitter: require("").check()

============================================================================== which-key: require("").check()

WhichKey: checking conflicting keymaps ~

Minimal vimrc that can reproduce this bug.

vim.g.gruvbox_material_transparent_background = 2 vim.g.gruvbox_material_better_performance = 1 vim.g.gruvbox_material_background = 'hard' vim.g.gruvbox_material_float_style = 'dim' vim.g.gruvbox_material_diagnostic_virtual_text = 'colored'


Steps to reproduce this bug using minimal vimrc

  1. Launch neovim.
  2. Open a file

Expected behavior

The CursorLine and CursorColumn should be visible when transparency is 1 or 2

Actual behavior

The CursorLine and CursorColumn are invisible when the transparency is 1 or 2. Additionally, nvim cmp selection highlights are invisible

antoineco commented 5 months ago

With vim.g.gruvbox_material_transparent_background values of both 1 and 2, and the other option values which you mentioned, the cursorline and cursorcolumn are visible for me in WezTerm:


--- a/nvim/init.lua
+++ b/nvim/init.lua
@@ -126,6 +126,18 @@ require "lazy".setup({
+  {
+    "sainnhe/gruvbox-material",
+    lazy = false,
+    config = function()
+      --vim.g.gruvbox_material_enable_italic = true
+      vim.g.gruvbox_material_transparent_background = 2
+      vim.g.gruvbox_material_better_performance = 1
+      vim.g.gruvbox_material_background = "hard"
+      vim.g.gruvbox_material_float_style = "dim"
+      vim.g.gruvbox_material_diagnostic_virtual_text = "colored"
+    end
+  },
antoineco commented 4 months ago

@Kindlewing could you please share the output of the Vim command :verbose highlight CursorColumn?

Mine shows:

:verbose highlight CursorColumn
CursorColumn   xxx ctermbg=236 guibg=#32302f
        Last set from ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/gruvbox-material/autoload/gruvbox_material.vim line 286
antoineco commented 1 month ago

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen if the problem persists and you are able to share more information.