saint-13 / Linux_Dynamic_Wallpapers

Dynamic Wallpapers for Linux
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:art: Add new day / night wallpapers #50

Open CodeShakingSheep opened 5 months ago

CodeShakingSheep commented 5 months ago

Just added 7 new day / night wallpapers from DynamicWallpaper Club. Converted with Cloud Convert. Used to create xml files. Some gif files couldn't be generated using the script as the original images were too big in size. So, I had to scale them down and then running the gif creation commands manually.

Also did some minor modifications in (adding ChromeOSReds and missing titles).

Edit: Added 2 more wallpapers from

Did some further modifications in (removing duplicate ChromeOSEarth).

Edit 2: Added 27 Microsoft wallpapers from various sources.

Edit 3: Added Zorin Mountain from Zorin OS 17.

idhirandar commented 4 months ago

+1 for Moon Far View

FelixFourcolor commented 4 months ago

This is amazing! @saint-13 please review it.