sairamsankaran / codepath

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Rotten Tomatoes App #3

Open sairamsankaran opened 10 years ago

sairamsankaran commented 10 years ago

Hi @timothy1ee,

I have attempted to complete the app with the model object. I am facing an issue here. For some reason the update to the model (MovieDataStore) is not visible in the view controller.

I am calling [client boxOffice] in initWithCoder: in the VC. Which in turn calls [MovieDataStore moviesWithJSON:movies];

And then in tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: I am calling [[MovieDataStore sharedStore] boxOfficeMovies] to retrieve the movies.

But in my logs the order of calling the above two is reversed.

2013-10-20 01:50:20.082 rottenTomatoes[76600:a0b] Movie title from VC: ( ) 2013-10-20 01:50:20.752 rottenTomatoes[76600:a0b] Captain Hanks added to data store 2013-10-20 01:50:20.753 rottenTomatoes[76600:a0b] Movie title: Captain Philips

This causes my application to crash. Not quite sure what is happening here.

Any suggestions will be really helpful. Thanks, Sairam

sairamsankaran commented 10 years ago

Here is the order of execution. I do not understand why "Request Success" comes lower below and not after "In boxOffice"

2013-10-20 02:17:26.700 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] In initWithCoder 2013-10-20 02:17:26.707 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] In boxOffice 2013-10-20 02:17:26.737 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] In viewDidLoad 2013-10-20 02:17:26.743 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] In tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath 2013-10-20 02:17:26.745 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] Movie title from VC: ( ) 2013-10-20 02:17:27.342 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] Request Success 2013-10-20 02:17:27.343 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] In moviesWithJSON 2013-10-20 02:17:27.343 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] Captain Hanks added to data store 2013-10-20 02:17:27.344 rottenTomatoes[76935:a0b] Movie title: Captain Philips

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

It's because the network request is happening in the background, not on the main thread. That's why you have to pass in a success and failure block. That block of code is called on the main thread after the network request returns.

See Ben's project for a good example of a completed Rotten Tomatoes client:

sairamsankaran commented 10 years ago

Thanks Tim.

sairamsankaran commented 10 years ago

Got it working!!! The module part was the most confusing. @timothy1ee