saitoha / tanasinn

三 ┏( ^o^)┛ < Terminal emulator extension for Firefox / Thunderbird / SeaMonkey.
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Running tanasinn as standalone XUL application #3

Open Happy-Ferret opened 9 years ago

Happy-Ferret commented 9 years ago

I'd like to run tanasinn as a standalone application utilizing Xulrunner. Ideally, I'd like to run it inside a (from what I gater, the firefox plugin does already run in such a panel).

Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with the way tanasinn is set up (I usually write my application in seperate JS, XUL and CSS files, with XUL containing the view, JS containing most of the logic and CSS the styling).

Is there any straightforward way to convert this into a standalone XUL application?

Happy-Ferret commented 9 years ago

I'd also appreciate some pointers as to how I might move some of the styling to plain CSS files. This whole prototyping system is just very confusing to me.

I'm not even able to remove the gradient in the background without breaking the whole chrome.

saitoha commented 9 years ago

Hi, I noticed some files for launching tanasinn as XUL runner app are out of date and broken. I'll check and try to fix it now. Please wait some hours for detailed reply.

saitoha commented 9 years ago

tanasinn's weird messaging system may be convenient only for me. it had been born in the era of FF 3.6-4.0. At that time, something was changed every day and always some parts in somewhere were broken. I had wrote it for defense against kaleidoscopic changes of Gecko.

Happy-Ferret commented 9 years ago

Thanks. Was really a bit heartbroken once I realized that it wouldn't run inside Xulrunner.

Been looking for a modern terminal application I could use inside my custom OS for a long time and this seems to fit the bill, lest I want to write one myself from scratch using libraries such as tty.js or jslinux.

I've tried running tanasinn with the following runtime releases.

3.6.28 16.0.2 26.0 33.0

The oldest would simply do nothing, 16.0.2 crashed with a "illegal filestream" error and 26.0 and 33.0 simply rendered a broken window with no content.

Happy-Ferret commented 9 years ago

On another, unrelated note. Is there a way to remove the background gradient without breaking the code?

saitoha commented 9 years ago

On another, unrelated note. Is there a way to remove the background gradient without breaking the code?

Once I provided "outerchrome.gradation" property for this purpose. But now it has no effect. It is considered a bug.

saitoha commented 9 years ago

Although I don't remember details, there are something big changes between 16 and 17. Current tanasinn supports FF 17+.

saitoha commented 9 years ago

Certainly XUL app version of tanasinn will be able to boot on XULRunner (if it is fixed), but I am sorry to inform you that it is written for demo from the first. now its quality is not for practical use. for example, even the feature "closing window" is not implemented.

saitoha commented 9 years ago

If you don't have high knowledge of Gecko, I don't recommend to customize tanasinn for your OS. I think it will be more difficult compared with the way of using tty.js.

saitoha commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with the way tanasinn is set up (I usually write my application in seperate JS, XUL and CSS files, with XUL containing the view, JS containing most of the logic and CSS the styling).

tanasinn had started as a plugin of vimperator. It must be simply "injected" into chrome windows of Gecko applications. I thought separated CSS strategy obstructs the portability.

And one more thing, I had not know how we apply CSS files to only a part of elements without pollution of scope of global gecko window. vimperator used "