saj1051 / Hozier-Project

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Project Update #1 #2

Open stanickld opened 3 years ago

stanickld commented 3 years ago

Sarah and I are exchanging contact information so we're more easily accessible to each other outside of class.

In the projects tab, we still have three items on our to-do list, all of which should easily be completed once I figure out how I'm using GitHub incorrectly. Initially, I was unsure if I cloned the project repository to my GitHub Desktop correctly, and I had problems understanding how to create a folder which would house the xml-files we would create for the song lyrics. Right now the next step I (Lauren) will be taking is going to office hours as soon as possible to talk through my technological issues and figure out what I'm not understanding. So far I think the most important thing for both Sarah and I is reviewing a GitHub tutorial so we understand the platform we'll be using.

Sarah and I have divided the songs evenly so we each have enough to convert into XML files. After I create a folder we will upload our files there and begin markup.

djbpitt commented 3 years ago

@stanickld I think we've sorted out the "how do I commit a directory under Git?" question in the git-and-github channel on Slack, but if you're still having trouble with that, please follow up in Slack and we'll be happy to take another look. For what it's worth, we're in the process of creating some Git teaching materials, and they're still rough around the edges so we haven't integrated them officially into the course, but if you'd like to take early look, see If you find anything there confusing, please let us know on Slack!

otakunaomi commented 3 years ago

Hello @stanickld, based off of the meeting I had with my group I created a mini list of how to upload stuff onto GitHub. You first have to open terminal and get to the location where you stored your files for GitHub (I know for my group's stuff I stored it in my documents folder so first I would input into terminal "cd Documents" enter, followed by "cd Norse-Tales" (Norse-Tales was the name for my groups folder, you should probably do cd ____; the underscore represent whatever you named the folder. Next here's a mini list. of the commands; I believe you can make folders inside your main folder, but you should do this after step 1 but before the git add step.

elizabethrapkin commented 3 years ago

I also had trouble getting used to using the Git command-line. I thought it was the same one that is used on your local computer (the one usually used for java programming). Despite your technological issues, it sounds like you have a solid plan in place! This seems like a reasonable project for two people, and I am looking forward to the data you are able to extrapolate. Do you know yet the specific question you are going to be answering when thinking about your markup? I feel like religious references within Hozier's music could go in many different directions, so I am wondering if you have been able to narrow it down.

EdwinRosenberg commented 3 years ago

This thread is very reassuring, because I too became overwhelmed with the Git Command Line. To echo what Elizabeth said, I would also be interested to see how you narrow down the research question for this project. I really like the idea of doing a textual analysis through markup and then comparing the two albums, though I recognize that that creates a much larger workload. Perhaps comparing different songs to see if the depiction of religious imagery is consistent or not? Regardless, I'm interested to see what you come up with! And it was reassuring to know the Git learning curve was steep for others.

glh32 commented 3 years ago

I think that you have a very good plan to begin working on your project. I agree with the fact that the installation of the Git Command Line on my desktop was very confusing and difficult to navigate. After meeting with our project mentor, however, we ended up getting it all situated for ourselves. I am interested to see how your XML works to mark up all of the religious imagery in Hozier songs. I am also interested to see if Hozier sticks to imagery only surrounding Christianity, or if he expands his imagery into other religions. I think adding an attribute to specify which religion he discusses in each lyric would be very beneficial to the project.