saj1051 / Hozier-Project

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Project Update 2 #3

Open saj1051 opened 3 years ago

saj1051 commented 3 years ago

This week, Lauren and I both completed the XML structural markup for all of the songs on the album. We pushed the files onto GitHub during our Monday meeting, after Lauren created a folder for us to house them in. During this meeting, we took some time to work through our confusion with GitHub. We relearned how to push and pull items from GitHub, and resolved an issue where I needed to clone to repository onto my computer to make pushing work properly.

Lauren met with Dr. Birnbaum during the week to resolve some confusion with uploading to GitHub. After that, we met on Thursday to solidify the research question and talk about what sorts of markup we would like to do on XML. We decided on some key tags we would like to see and decided to touch base again on Monday.

otakunaomi commented 3 years ago

Sounds like your group has a good plan so far. Have you guys thought of a schema that you may all be using since all the files you are looking at are the songs? Because they are all similar file types you might be able to use one schema for all of them. That is just idea based off of my own group. My group is looking at folktales so before marking up xml we developed a basic schema (just general stuff, complex thing can be added to the schema later as progress is being made), this way all the group members knew what to be looking for when marking up their tales. Heres a little list for git commands related to Github incase you need it:

gec34 commented 3 years ago

I think it's good you're taking the time to get comfortable with GitHub and the command line. I think your project is in a good place right now, you have a set of texts that are ready for more descriptive markup. It also looks like you're moving along in terms of research questions, having some discussed tags. I agree creating a schema would be a good step before diving into more markup, which could evolve as you discuss more possible tags. Our project's schema at the moment is a draft, with which each member adding a note of possible changes we come up with while reading/marking up out texts.

EdwinRosenberg commented 3 years ago

The structural markup looks great! I look forward to seeing the analytical markup. One thing I am curious about is whether you decided if you are doing analysis within one album or across 2 albums. In our group, we are marking up a couple of Inaugural addresses as a proof of concept, and then deciding whether we want to do all of them or just stick to a few selections. I agree that a schema would be a smart next move as it will guide your analytical markup. Also, I totally relate the steep learning curve of GitHub. It seems like your project is going well though!

jog141 commented 3 years ago

You guys had a really productive week! Our group also experienced some difficulty pushing and pulling from our respective computers, but we were able to resolve our issues with the help of Dr. Birnbaum as well. Although I have some previous experience with GitHub, it is still super challenging to navigate so I totally relate to that. But it looks like you guys were able to persevere and get some good work done!

clk125 commented 3 years ago

I can definitely relate to your struggles with Git and utilizing the command line, I think it was smart that you took the time to get more comfortable with it. I also have been having issues with cloning the repository so I may have to take the time to work on that as well. Your group has a very interesting topic and I look forward to seeing what techniques you utilize to mark up songs, as that is what I have been doing for a lot of the assignments where we got to choose our source.