saj1051 / Hozier-Project

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Project Update #3 #4

Open stanickld opened 3 years ago

stanickld commented 3 years ago

This week we kept thinking about how we were going to mark up Hozier's lyrics and that we would split them evenly, myself with the odd numbered songs and Sarah with the even numbers. Sarah is in charge of coming up with the schema, but we're going to meet on Sunday March 7th to talk more in depth about mark up before we start anything. We don't feel like we're falling behind per say, but we both had conflicts during the week that prevented us from getting a good jump on our project. Sarah will be meeting with our project mentor to go over Relax NG in more depth and I'll also need to review it a little bit as well. We've narrowed down what we want our tags to be for our mark up and when we meet on Sunday we're going to solidify what those tags will be, then we'll each be able to dive in for marking up lyrics.

As a side note we've both been getting more comfortable with GitHub and using the command line. With the help of Dr. Birnbaum I was able to fix the issues I've had with my account, and both Sarah and I have been able to push and pull content without issue.

racheljfu commented 3 years ago

My group also thought about how we're going to mark up our poems. Hozier's songs (the ones I've heard) have a lot of depth and I see how there's a lot you can analyze about religion, romance, imagery, etc. I'm in charge of my group's Relax NG schema, and there's a whole lot to look at with Dickinson's poems, so the Relax NG can get unwieldy. Personally, I made a list of potential elements / attributes we could include for analysis, and wrote them as comments in the schema itself. It's helped me a lot with planning and I would suggest this technique for your group too, especially as you are still in the planning stage of your project.

clk125 commented 3 years ago

My group also discussed how we were marking up our works and found a couple of discrepancies that we were definitely glad to catch. We also fell a bit behind with our overall workload this week but as long as everything is marked up and we are on track by the midterm check in I think both of our groups will be fine. I think that spending time to make sure your relax NG schema is good is a great decision as we have been going over it each week to make sure we don't need to make any updates. It sounds like your group is on a good track right now.

EdwinRosenberg commented 3 years ago

To echo what you said and what the other comments said, my group is also working through formalizing and making uniform our markup and finalizing our schema. There was also some discrepancy in our group over what exact tags to use, so we also had to talk about it as a group. I feel as though we have fallen behind slightly also but are on track to complete the midterm. Its great to hear that you have the command line working and can push and pull content, that was by far the hardest part for me and I'm still figuring it out.