saj1051 / Hozier-Project

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Project Update #5 #6

Open saj1051 opened 3 years ago

saj1051 commented 3 years ago

This week, Lauren and I completed the components needed for our midterm. We finished the analytical and structural makeup for the lyrics, and now we're going back through and making sure that everything is done properly so that we're in good shape for our analysis. This has included making sure repeated elements are marked up and going over element definitions. We're hoping to complete that ASAP and move on to the next phase of our project. Lauren has started thinking about what the website will look like and how it's going to be laid out, which we're hoping to explore more on Monday. If we feel it is needed, we may meet this weekend before our Monday meeting to go over any project elements that need to be strengthened. We encountered a few issues with GitHub this week but luckily they have all been worked out and everything is good now.

clk125 commented 3 years ago

Our group is at a similar point in progress to yours. I think it is fine that you still need to touch up some of your markup, our group does too, I think some of the things that need tagged you don't realize need tagged until you start really thinking about your analysis and research questions. We also ran into some GitHub issues that we have since resolved so also feel your pain there. I'm interested to see how you choose to format your site and what results you find.

cngish98 commented 3 years ago

My team aimed to complete markup by the midterm, but it ended up being a much bigger feat than was expected by our team and mentor. We took a few extra days to fully complete the linguistic annotation and now, like you two, we are going back over all the documents to check for inconsistencies as well as just to talk through some of our reasoning for why we marked up things the way we did. Talking through decisions with teammates has been helpful in getting me to think about what exactly should be included in our methodology section. My team, too, has felt the need to meet outside of the weekly project team meeting to talk more about specific markup things and went for it. It feels good to touch base "face-to-face" and make sure we're all on the same page more often than just once a week.

EdwinRosenberg commented 3 years ago

We are in a similar place! We also completed our analytical markup for our midterm. This week was weird because up until this point everything was about working on the schema and markup, and now that that's complete there's a whole new world of possibilities we can do with our project. We are also thinking about how we want the website to look, and looking for applications of Schematron. This part of the project will require more thought but I think it will also be more fun. Good luck with your project moving forward! I am interested in your topic so it will be cool to see the results!

glh32 commented 3 years ago

Our group is at a similar place as well. We completed and reviewed the structural and analytical markup for our midterm, and this week, our goal was also to create a rough design of what we want our site to look like. Earlier on, we also had issues with Git on the desktop, but resolved them after our meetings, so hopefully that will be the same situation with your group as well.

peterbussch commented 3 years ago

My team had a goal to get most of the structural markup done for the midterm, and we succeeded. However, it looks like you guys are a little bit ahead of us for now in terms of your analytical and other markup. Since we're working with a relatively large corpus of documents, we have to rely primarily on auto-tagging Regex expressions to do our markup. Hopefully your team goes well with the rest of the markup!