saj1051 / Hozier-Project

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Project Update #7 #8

Open saj1051 opened 3 years ago

saj1051 commented 3 years ago

This week Lauren completed a draft for the homepage of our site after planning some layout options and color schemes. I encountered my first merge conflict, but was able to resolve it myself. Unfortunately, the affected documents were altered slightly in the process so I've gone through them and fixed the errors that occurred. Lauren and I decided that instead of marking up Hozier's relationships in his songs we will be incorporating that aspect into our analysis. We will be meeting tomorrow to discuss what specifically we want to analysis and how that will look for our project.

We've moved past the markup stage now, and next week we will continue to focus on webpage development and analysis. In our project meeting this Monday Dana asked us some important questions to help drive our analysis that we will be looking at more tomorrow. Overall, we think we're in a good place with our project. Our biggest issues now will be deciding on analysis markup and navigating the web building process.

jog141 commented 3 years ago

Glad to hear that you feel like you're in a good place with your project! We also have drafted and begun adding to our site and the menu bar, so this week has been about continuing to progress with our site as well. I'm glad to hear that your group also discussed your markup because we also ended up correcting and disputing some inconsistencies within our own. Keep making steady progress and I hope you don't run into any other merge conflicts!

hcasazza commented 3 years ago

I think its excellent that your group was able to finish your markup and complete a draft of your homepage! With that, I understand your concern about navigating the web building process. I know from what I have done so far has been a really helpful site to review all the different processes. For one, I am curious to see how you decide to display Hozier's songs, whether you will be showing all of them together, providing different links to seem them individually, or something else!

elizabethrapkin commented 3 years ago

It's awesome to hear that you guys are at such a good stage in your project! While I know you said you're still deciding what exactly you want to analyze, have you considered how you may want to display some of your analysis? You mentioned that instead of tagging relations in your markup, you may make that part of your analysis. In our project (inaugural addresses), we are examining relationships using network analysis. Elisa, one of the guest speakers, has been extremely helpful in developing code and understanding the graphs and models that code creates. This may be an option for you as well if you want to look at certain relationships within your markup.

EdwinRosenberg commented 3 years ago

It sounds like you guys are moving at a good pace! One thing I'll be interested to see is what exactly you choose to analyze and what (if any) technologies you will use in your analysis. Like Elizabeth said, we are using Network Analysis for data visualization, and also using MALLET to get some extra information. If I recall correctly that your project relates to the religious imagery in Hozier's music, something like MALLET could help you analyze how often it appears in each song. Also, merge errors are always a pain but good on you for resolving it yourself!