sajadhsm / new-word-tab

A browser extension to learn a new word per new tab
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List of words that do not return a definition #15

Closed silverwings15 closed 2 years ago

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

Update is ongoing

Vendition Recreancy Impliable Opaqueness Intestacy Death's-head (displayed as Death's-head in the extension) Thermoelectricity Luxuriance Viceroy Emaciate Imperviousness Discrepant Redundance Palpability Assonant Achillean Acarpous Calvinize Pinchers Loiterer Incandescence Insuppressible Behalf Wretchedness Discontinuance Distensible Vindicatory Donator Decameron Tempter Incorrigibility Pledgeor Irritancy Effulgence Protuberate Inapprehensible Prehensible Prudery Pseudapostle Seignoir Intromit Plebiscitea Reprehand Prescriptible Intromit Compressible Efflorescence

Since the migration to Wikitionary API

Dawdler Gorge Recrudescent Detraction Theocrasy Univalence Pungency Requital

sajadhsm commented 2 years ago

Thanks for continuously listing these words. It looks like a never-ending list :))

We need to gradually find definitions for these ones and store them in a JSON similar to the Free dictionary API schema.

Example Required fields are: `word`, `phonetic`, `meanings` ```json { "word": "test", "phonetic": "tɛst", "phonetics": [ { "text": "tɛst", "audio": "..." } ], "origin": "...", "meanings": [ { "partOfSpeech": "noun", "definitions": [ { "definition": "...", "example": "...", "synonyms": ["..."], "antonyms": ["..."] } ] }, { "partOfSpeech": "verb", "definitions": [ { "definition": "...", "example": "...", "synonyms": ["..."], "antonyms": ["..."] } ] } ] } ```

I don't know which sources should we use yet but it's probably a good idea to also add a source property for reference.

I think it's better to then keep them in a separate repository and somehow fetch the list in the extension. Therefore we can easier maintain and update the list without needing a new extension release.

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

Hmm, would it even be possible to embed the audio for those entries?

sajadhsm commented 2 years ago

Not directly. We need to link to the audio hosted somewhere. The API is using such address for the audios:


I'll try to figure out if it's possible to use the same service or find another solution.

BTW we can make phonetic optional since some of the words currently don't show the phonetic in the extension too.

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

Yeah i think phonetics is not a must-have if we already have the audio.

I'm reading the free API's Github page, and the dev has stated that he's planning on migrating the source to Wikitionary: However there doesn't seem to have been any progress in the past few months. Maybe we should wait and see how that pans out?

sajadhsm commented 2 years ago

Interesting. I agree, since maintaining the missing definitions by ourselves is kinda hard and the priority is low, we can wait.

Meanwhile, we can keep updating the list. Maybe we'll try it out again later.

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

the freedictionary dev has stated that he completed the migration, but i haven't noticed any changes yet haha

sajadhsm commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the update.

There are some changes in the API response which broke the phonetics section in NWT. I'll try to fix those changes and release a new version ASAP. Also, some definitions don't have any example which feels bad :(

Sadly it seems that even the migrated API doesn't return any definition for the list of words in this issue. (But searching the words in the Wiktionary website directly, gives at least a line of definition.)

Whenever I find some more free time, I'll try to see if working with the Wiktionary API directly gives a different result or not.

I think maintaining the definitions by ourself doesn't really worth the effort. So if we didn't find a better solution, we should probably ignore the words that do not return a definition for now!

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

I think maintaining the definitions by ourself doesn't really worth the effort

yeah hard agree on this. i asked the developer of the API about why some words do not return a definition even though their entries exist on wikitionary, will update you again once there's a response

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

so first thing first, i went through the word lists and compiled a list of all words that the API currently doesn't return a result for. although by the time i finished, i started questioning how helpful it was given that it's not something we can fix..

words without definition.txt .

sajadhsm commented 2 years ago

Nice job. I'm wondering why we haven't done it earlier rather than gradually updating the list :))

BTW it seems some words that are listed in the issue are not present in your compiled list, so chances are that there are even more words without definition. (e.g. Pinchers, Wretchedness, Discontinuance, ...)

So I think it's OK to keep the current behavior (link to Google Translate and try another word button). If users are really curios about the definition, they can look it up by themselves. Maybe in the future, we can provide more "Search in X" buttons to make the searching easier.

Should we close the issue for now?

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

all three examples you mentioned are all in my big compiled list in the SAT section. i thoroughly went through all of the wordlists (some 16k+ entries from my rough memory), and while it's always possible i missed a word here and there, i think the list is pretty comprehensive.

the only matter left i can think of with regards to this, is that even when words don't return a definition, the Mark button should still be visible imo.

sajadhsm commented 2 years ago

Ops sorry. Yeah, you're right. I was using the Notepad find feature for the first time. It has a direction property that doesn't do a full search. TIL how that works :))

Totally agree with that. So when we mark a word when it has no definition it's actually an ignored word, which you mentioned a while ago. I'll try to add the ignored list and then add the marked as ignore button when a word has no definition.

Probably I'll try to add sort and filter options for the learned and ignored lists to have a better UX.

Once again thanks for your useful suggestions ✌️

silverwings15 commented 2 years ago

haha you should definitely use something like Notepad++ or Sublime for handling text files, the default Windows Notepad is an abomination.

will update further if if the FreeDictionary dev replies to the queries about why words are not returning definitions (and maybe provide him with my list if he needs some sort of data point)