sajeedazam / ProQuest

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Scrum Report 4 #14

Open shafquatulbari opened 1 year ago

shafquatulbari commented 1 year ago

Name:Shafquat Ul Bari, csid: t3l6p

What did you work on this past iteration? Helped implement database into our project and additional CSS styling by pair coding in Live Share in VScode.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Figuring out how to transfer data from one collection to another and remove data from the previous collection.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration ? Improve the CSS styling, work on additional features like transaction and more into ethical part of the project(authentication).

AdityaNasam commented 1 year ago

Name: Aditya Nasam csid: b2b6c

What did you work on this past iteration? Helped in creating and adding data to the collections in the database.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? transfering data from one collection to another collection was one of them, And managing data associated with a user when logged in.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration? Ability to retrieve user specific data when a user is logged in, so that multiple users wont be having the same items in the cart or bookings.

sajeedazam commented 1 year ago

Name: Sa Adat Azam Sajeed csid: w1n5k

What did you work on this past iteration? Implemented Express and created the database for both cart and notification, handled most of the get/post/delete methods, helped fix some of the css and the transfer of data between collections

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? As mentioned above transferring between collections was a challenge

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration? Try to implement as much of the remaining requirements as possible, and make the app look a bit more coherent. Try to deploy the project on a website.

rahul5316 commented 1 year ago

Name:Rahul Sinha csid: h9c3z

What did you work on this past iteration? Connected the database from the customer side so that when customers request a service, it shows up on the profesional side and the database

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Figuring out how to connect customers and professional was challenging

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration ? Improve the CSS styling, work on additional features like transaction and more into ethical part of the project(authentication).