sajeedazam / ProQuest

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Scrum Report 6 #25

Open AdityaNasam opened 1 year ago

AdityaNasam commented 1 year ago

Name: Aditya Nasam csid: b2b6c

What did you work on this past iteration? I worked on fixing or debugging the code, to accomodate changes when the project is hosted on Additionally, incorporating rewrites in the render dashboard, implementing few redux component functions.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? making things to work on render cloud platform, which were working fine on localhost

What you would hypothetically work on if you were to continue on the project? Would work on incorporating multiple professionals, with each offering different set of services, Providing discounts to customers, Would also host the website on better hosting service, make an android/ios app for mobile users, and atlast market it.

sajeedazam commented 1 year ago

Name: Sa-Adat-Azam Sajeed CSID: w1n5k

What did you work on this past iteration? Fixed reducers that did not work properly, such as cart delete, notifications get and delete. Fixed a couple of bugs that came with new commits and more bugs to take care of edge cases in notifications. Overall polishing all the Express, MongoDB, and React-Redux usages. Helped with implementing to work with the deployed website and deployed the chat server. Organized and cleaned the codebase for code readability. Worked on few final CSS changes to make the website look slightly better and applied more navigations to avoid render issues.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Making to work on render, which were working fine on localhost as mentioned above.

What you would hypothetically work on if you were to continue on the project? Making the website more robust and the user experience even better. Make it more useable in the real world.

shafquatulbari commented 1 year ago

Name: Shafquat Ul Bari CSID: t3l6p

What did you work on this past iteration? Worked on the transaction/stripe feature so that customer can only checkout after payment. Helped wrap up the project with more CSS styling. Pair coded with others to implement the chat feature and make it work on the rendered website.

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? Making work on render instead of local host.

What you would hypothetically work on if you were to continue on the project? Add more security and authentication, multiple professionals can register for the app, and make the app work outside vancouver as well (for now the geocode only checks vancouver and shows valid for this city).

rahul5316 commented 1 year ago

Name: Shafquat Ul Bari csid: t3l6p

What did you work on this past iteration? Implemented the chat feature using which was the stretch requirment of the project. also worked with shafquat on the stripe js feature

What were any major issues/challenges you ran into? I had a hard time connecting the professional and customer side using socket io because i kept getting polling error while implementing it

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration? Add more security and authentication, multiple professionals can register for the app, and make the app work outside vancouver as well (for now the geocode only checks vancouver and shows valid for this city).