sajmons / CollimationCircles

Collimation Circles is application for precise telescope collimation
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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window movement (and transparency) #3

Closed DerPit closed 1 year ago

DerPit commented 1 year ago

More of a general feedback. Just downloaded the latest binary release (1.0.3) and installed the dotnet-runtime on my system (openSUSE Tumbleweed; MS only has a repo for Leap, but it works fine).

I use KDE as DE, running on top of X11. There, transparency only works if compositing is enabled (can be toggled with Alt-Shift-F12)

What does not work for me is the positioning of the window with cursor keys. Instead of moving one pixel in the direction intended, it only jumps a full height of the window top bar down (regardless which direction key I pressed). It is probably is coming from KDE/plasma itself, I've seen that with other applications like the XV image viewer.

Apart from that it seems like a really flexible and easy tool with a clean interface. Great work. Can't test it for real collimation, as I'm away from my telescopes until April...

sajmons commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much foe your feedback. It's great to hear that folks is using application and that it's working quite well on so many platforms.

I have noticed wierd window movement issue too. I opened issue on AvaloniaUi and they marked it as a bug. You can see it here:

It seams that window transparency only work on some Linux distributions. It's working on Ubuntu. As you figured it out by yourself, on some distributions it is necessary to turn on composition. Xcompmgr on Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye. See instructions on GitHub page.

sajmons commented 1 year ago

Window movement issue was fixed by Avalonia team in 11 preview version. I'm closing this issue.