Closed NomiCentarix closed 1 year ago
Thanks, this issue seems to be coming from a library version mismatch from your python installation. I would recommend using conda/bioconda to create a separate enivronment for pysradb.
ok I fixed the above problem but still don't get the fastq file, only empty folders, with the following code:
from pysradb.sraweb import SRAweb
SRA_OUR_DIR = "/data/NCBI_data/"
db = SRAweb()
gse_to_srp = db.gse_to_srp("GSE226189")
print("gse_to_srp shape:", gse_to_srp.shape)
metadata = db.sra_metadata(gse_to_srp["study_accession"].to_list(), detailed=True)
skip_confirmation=True,#don't ask for permmision to download
when the _urlcol is the default I do get the .sra files. The link in column "ena_fastq_http_1" seems fine (
Hi Is my new comment can be seen after issue was closed?
Describe the bug Hello and thank you for the awesome package. I installed "aspera" as described in the notebook "pysradb_ascp_multithreaded.ipynb" However, when I specify the argument "use_ascp" in both python API and CLI, the downloading doe not occur (the SRP/SRX folders are created but are empty).
To Reproduce
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional context I guess the problem has to do with how the aspera is installed. When I type "aspera" in terminal I get the error
But I cannot fix it.
Thank you very much Nomi
So I