Open fengbenpaao opened 7 years ago
ah, it is so good to finally show my h264 preview;
but there are so much work to do,
there is only one step. go go go!!!!
Please close this issue if you've solved it. And it would be nice if you leave a comment how you've solved it.
YES, I have solved it . but the video packet loss is serious;
frame->actual_bytes is not same frame->data_bytes;
Hello,I am now doing the same work .I can add the h264 format in the project ,and can get the h264 frame.But similarly,the "frame->actual_bytes is always smaller than frame->data_bytes".That means the frame I got is incomplete. So the result of decoding with FFmpeg is unexpected.So,do you have some ideas to solve the problem.Maybe we can help each other.Thanks.
hi, yes, I just use some callback fun to transfering frame for java ;
and use ffmpeg ( or MediaCodec ) to show;
but my picture is so bad: dalay and if I do moving, the pic will blurred ;
so I don't know lose packet ? or my ffmpeg issue ?
this is my doing: 1.set h264 frame to your camera to output: linux: $ lsusb -v VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor: bLength 28 bDescriptorType 36 bDescriptorSubtype 16 (FORMAT_FRAME_BASED) bFormatIndex 3 bNumFrameDescriptors 4 guidFormat {48323634-0000-1000-8000-00aa00389b71} and you can change : Stream.c
{'H', '2', '6', '4', 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71})
//this values is 16 Libuvc.h UVC_FRAME_FORMAT_BASED ---> bFormatIndex = 3
get the frame for h264:
UVCPreview.cpp: :do_preview()-->
for ( ; LIKELY(isRunning()) ; ) { frame = waitPreviewFrame(); if (LIKELY(frame)) { do_h264_callback(frame);
//this you can callback the frame date for JAVA or other;
java and jni shara one buff memory: void UVCPreview::do_h264_callback (uvc_frame_t frame) { ENTER(); JavaVM vm = getVM(); JNIEnv *env; // attach to JavaVM vm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL); if(!mH264CallbackObj){ LOGE("this is mH264CallbackObj is not null"); } if (LIKELY(frame)) {if(LIKELY(env)){ LOGE("this is do_h264_callback44###");
int buffSize=frame->width*frame->height*3/2;
jobject buf = env->NewDirectByteBuffer(frame->data, buffSize);
env->CallVoidMethod(mH264CallbackObj, iH264callback_fields.onTest,frame->actual_bytes);
EXIT(); }
then the java will get the h264 frame data; you can use ffmpeg or mediaCodec to decodes;
@fengbenpaao nice! you did a great job! but i got the same problem as @elviswujian, how to fix it?
I have done the UVC project. The "frame->actual_bytes is no deed to same as frame->data_bytes".
@elviswujian I know this, but why is the "frame->actual_bytes" may be 1/100 size of "frame->data_bytes", and the frame decoded actually is incomplete.
@jordanSunco yes, the h264 include I/P/B Frame, so frame->actual_bytes" < "frame->data_bytes";
so you must do same frame cache; It is not same Fmpeg;
besize, frame->data_bytes you can change ,reset calculation it;
@fengbenpaao Thanks for your reply. Is there any code sample for decode UVC h264 payload?
@jordanSunco you can use the ijkplay to try, or decode frame to the yuv date tras.... for openGL, maby the videoplaying delay will be sovleted;
@elviswujian qq多少,费那么多 口舌,哈哈
估计大家都是中国人,都用英语.......总之这个项目经历了很多波折。首先libuvc libusb在每个手机上面执行方式还不是一样的,有的手机是一帧一帧传输,有的是多帧组成一个数据块传输。较新的手机都是用的一帧一帧的传输,这其实涉及到的是手机内核的不同。同时也需要修改一些东西,不然传输h264数据有问题。传输这一块我是找了公司driver的同事一起搞的。然后解码可以使用ffmpeg,1K之内没问题。我现在是2K,解起来效率很低,就是用了硬解码。 就这样吧, 谢谢原作者,谢谢各位一起研究的同行。我的这个项目不会商用。
@fengbenpaao perfect job, 太酷了,加我qq786241016学习下呗
同时, @elviswujian 大佬开源了啊,欣赏下呗, :smile: :+1:
@fengbenpaao Hello, 我目前也在做这块,但遇到一些问题没调通,加个qq吧,学习一下,qq523440831
@fengbenpaao 你好,我最近有个项目正好用到这块,加个QQ请教一下,谢谢啦!我QQ是:554159078
@elviswujian 你好,看到之前留言说你搞定了H264,并且开源了,但是现在看你的主页没有源码了,方便加QQ交流下么,最近有个项目用到这块,比较紧急,谢谢啦!我QQ是:554159078
this is my doing: 1.set h264 frame to your camera to output: linux: $ lsusb -v VideoStreaming Interface Descriptor: bLength 28 bDescriptorType 36 bDescriptorSubtype 16 (FORMAT_FRAME_BASED) bFormatIndex 3 bNumFrameDescriptors 4 guidFormat {48323634-0000-1000-8000-00aa00389b71} and you can change : Stream.c
FMT(UVC_FRAME_FORMAT_BASED, {'H', '2', '6', '4', 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x38, 0x9b, 0x71}) //this values is 16 Libuvc.h UVC_FRAME_FORMAT_BASED ---> bFormatIndex = 3
- get the frame for h264: UVCPreview.cpp: :do_preview()--> for ( ; LIKELY(isRunning()) ; ) { frame = waitPreviewFrame(); if (LIKELY(frame)) { do_h264_callback(frame);
//this you can callback the frame date for JAVA or other;
java and jni shara one buff memory: void UVCPreview::do_h264_callback (uvc_frame_t frame) { ENTER(); JavaVM vm = getVM(); JNIEnv *env; // attach to JavaVM vm->AttachCurrentThread(&env, NULL); if(!mH264CallbackObj){ LOGE("this is mH264CallbackObj is not null"); } if (LIKELY(frame)) {if(LIKELY(env)){ LOGE("this is do_h264_callback44###");
} int buffSize=frame->width*frame->height*3/2; jobject buf = env->NewDirectByteBuffer(frame->data, buffSize); copy_frame(frame->data,frame->actual_bytes); env->CallVoidMethod(mH264CallbackObj, iH264callback_fields.onTest,frame->actual_bytes); env->ExceptionClear(); env->DeleteLocalRef(buf);
EXIT(); }
- then the java will get the h264 frame data; you can use ffmpeg or mediaCodec to decodes;
@fengbenpaao @elviswujian 请问可以留下联系方式吗?我现在需要处理 h.264 的,我的 qq: 501760984, 感谢!
@fengbenpaao @elviswujian 大佬,听说你解决了H264,能否分享一下,感谢!我的QQ 1821066433 USBCameraTest0, can preview h264, a lot of work to do. #463 USBCameraTest0, can preview h264, a lot of work to do. #463
I tried this project and can extract h264, but the data of the previous 10s cannot be decoded. I don't know what the problem is. Do you have this problem while using it?
并且添加了UAC音频部分的支持,添加了设置不同的audio sample rate 功能等. USBCameraTest0,可以预览h264,很多工作要做。第463章
I want to get the h264 preview; the MJPEG use the USB GPD is larget; if I can change to h264, can save resources; how can I do ?