saki4510t / UVCCamera

library and sample to access to UVC web camera on non-rooted Android device
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How to captureStill image with camera.captureStillImage? #669

Open Christina-ko opened 2 years ago

Christina-ko commented 2 years ago


Currently I am working to capture stillCapture in order to push to AI machine to read OCR. In order to get live preview while getting the trigger button signal, I can only use the uvcCamera library. When I implement captureStill function from AbstractUVCCameraHandler, my apps will crash and stop. Anyone face this issue before? Can give me some guide? Really appreciate on your help.

@Override public void onConnectDev ( final UsbDevice device, final USBMonitor.UsbControlBlock ctrlBlock, final boolean isConnected ) { if (!isConnected) { showShortMsg ( "fail to connect,please check resolution params" ); isPreview = false; } else { isPreview = true; showShortMsg ( "Camera is connected" ); final UVCCamera camera = new UVCCamera ( ); ( ctrlBlock ); camera.setPreviewSize ( 1280, 720, FRAME_FORMAT_MJPEG ); camera.setAutoWhiteBlance ( false ); camera.updateCameraParams ( ); final SurfaceTexture st = mUVCCameraView.getSurfaceTexture ( ); if (st != null) { mPreviewSurface = new Surface ( st ); camera.setPreviewDisplay ( mPreviewSurface ); camera.startPreview ( );


                queueEvent( new Runnable ( ) {
                public void run ( ) {
                 camera.setButtonCallback ( new IButtonCallback ( ) {
                        public void onButton ( final int button, final int state ) {

                            runOnUiThread ( new Runnable ( ) {
                                public void run ( ) {
                                    final Toast toast = Toast.makeText (USBCameraActivity.this, "onButton(button=" + button + "; " +
                                            "state=" + state + ")", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT );
                           ( );
                                    if (button ==1 && state ==1){
                               ( );
                                        camera.setFrameCallback ( mIFrameCallback, UVCCamera.PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565 );


                            } );
                    } );


            } );


private final IFrameCallback mIFrameCallback = new IFrameCallback ( ) { @Override public void onFrame ( ByteBuffer frame ) { synchronized (mSync){ if (tempBitmap == null){ tempBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap ( 1280, 720, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 ); } frame.clear (); tempBitmap.copyPixelsFromBuffer ( frame ); } ( mUpdateTask ); } }; private Runnable mUpdateTask = new Runnable ( ) { @Override public void run ( ) { synchronized (mSync){ mResultView.setImageBitmap ( tempBitmap ); } } };

Keerthana-N commented 1 year ago

Hi, did you get any solution?

Christina-ko commented 1 year ago

Yes. I found another uvc library.

Keerthana-N commented 1 year ago

Were you able to get just still image without previewing? Actually I am trying to just capture still image without streaming & previewing. Can you please suggest any suitable library if you have tried.