sakkaras / SKSTableView

An expandable table view.
MIT License
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subrow issue in SKSTableView #41

Open ketulbshah opened 8 years ago

ketulbshah commented 8 years ago

Is there anyone using SKSTableView and knows the subrow stuff ? I'm encountering the problem that in delegate method

func tableView(tableView: SKSTableView!, cellForSubRowAtIndexPath indexPath:
NSIndexPath!) -> UITableViewCell! {} no matter how many number of subrows are returned, indexPath.subrow keeps giving me 0, which is the index of the first subrow. So the subrow cell can only fetch the first item of the given array.

Please help and thanks ahead.

jovanpreet commented 8 years ago

Same issue how did you solve it

kksuthar321 commented 8 years ago

Facing same issue any one solve it

kksuthar321 commented 8 years ago

Check this