Currently, the sector map supports drawing basic shape icons (circles and squares) as well as circular and rectangular zones (for asteroid fields, etc). The map is brought up by the M key (CInSpaceState) and rendered via a UI panel (SectorMapPanel). Sector maps are drawn directly in their respective sector scripts, with a set of Lua functions to set the map size and add shapes.
Functionality to add:
Text rendering (station names, destination of jump buoys)
Clicking on the map to place waypoints
Differentiate between a waypoint placed by the player and a mission waypoint
Player ship icon is locked within the borders, going off the border of the map won't cause the player icon to vanish
Possible considerations:
"prettify" the map, add a grid layout with quadrants
Tick boxes for the player to hide certain elements, like zones which might get ugly with multiple overlapping zones, or hide station names until hovered over
Currently, the sector map supports drawing basic shape icons (circles and squares) as well as circular and rectangular zones (for asteroid fields, etc). The map is brought up by the M key (CInSpaceState) and rendered via a UI panel (SectorMapPanel). Sector maps are drawn directly in their respective sector scripts, with a set of Lua functions to set the map size and add shapes.
Functionality to add:
Possible considerations: