sakurity / securelogin

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A Few Security Concerns #25

Closed TinoDidriksen closed 7 years ago

TinoDidriksen commented 7 years ago

Deterministic keypair derivation: I get that the idea is to avoid having another file that you must keep secure, but it is well proven that passwords suck. You could have the same smooth integration with a truly random per-device private key. Can even reuse code from PGP and/or SSH keys.

Writing down password: says "Make sure you write down your master password" - y'know, that thing that you are NEVER supposed to do. Why would you advocate this?

Plaintext private key: In issue #16, it was stated "Users are encouraged to use full disk encryption and a passcode on their devices. Apps are not responsible for this." - encouraging is not enough. We've been through this with FileZilla, who had to give in after 9 years: - Encrypting the private key does help, as it prevents random malware from making use of the file while the filesystem is unlocked.

homakov commented 7 years ago

1) it's not correct that passwords suck. Existing password derivations suck. If we take scrypt at 20,100 even something like 123457 gets impossible to bruteforce. Currently we use 18,6 for the starter and it will get stronger once we implement more close-to-metal algorithm.

There never will be key material because it's another headache for the user and for the central authority that stores it. No way.

2) you're right, i really like this slideshow wanna implement first 4 slides above login window.

3) how should it be encrypted? it's a long thread over there, can you highlight key points (that are new to me?) Btw just wrote another post why not

haraldkoch commented 7 years ago

The "never write your password down" advice is bad advice. People already know how to secure things - debit cards in wallets, cash in safes, heirloom jewelry in safe deposit boxes.

Do write your master password down, and then use one of the mechanisms you already understand to keep it safe from prying eyes.

homakov commented 7 years ago

I don't know which one of you is right, both have reasons, and I'd love to pass it through a 1000 of "average" users but there are no funds for this experiment.

homakov commented 7 years ago

Closing this issue as:

1) this project is deterministic by design and along with strongest derivation scheme ever used (never saw 20 seconds derivation before) it's not an issue even for low entropy passwords.

2) after rethinking writing password down sounds like better advice than lost access. People who believe that they don't forget it (more technical ones) will ignore it, and non technical ones may find this advice useful because anything (even risk of exposure) is better than high probability of entirely lost password.

3) there won't be 2nd password in the system, but there will be more secure storage options which is a different issue.