sal0max / grav-plugin-shortcode-gallery-plusplus

A Shortcode extension to add sweet galleries with a lightbox to your Grav website.
MIT License
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Group multiple galleries #41

Closed francoisjacquet closed 1 year ago

francoisjacquet commented 1 year ago


Thank you for this neat plugin :)

I would like to be able to group multiple separate galleries, so users can navigate through all the images which are spread across the page.

For example, being able to navigate between the 3 images in the following 3 galleries:

### Title 1

Text 1.

![image 1](image1.png)

### Title 2

Text 2.

![image 2](image2.png)

### Title 3

Text 3.

![image 3](image3.png)

Is this something doable?

sal0max commented 1 year ago

I don't think that's possible. Would be something Justified Gallery would have to provide.