salaboy / platforms-on-k8s

Platform Engineering on Kubernetes :: Book Examples
Apache License 2.0
174 stars 90 forks source link

[Translations] Japanese ja_JP #61

Closed nwiizo closed 2 days ago

nwiizo commented 4 days ago
salaboy commented 4 days ago

@nwiizo thanks a lot for creating the issue! Let's do this!

salaboy commented 4 days ago

@nwiizo if you mention the issue with (Resolves the on the PR it will be closed automatically this issue.. so just add the link

salaboy commented 4 days ago

@nwiizo if you can translate this -> and add the japanese link in the other languages, that would be awesome

nwiizo commented 3 days ago

I apologize for creating such a large number of pull requests. If you could please review them, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to check over my work.

Please let me know if you need anything else or have any other questions!

salaboy commented 2 days ago

@nwiizo I've merged all the chapters.. you are a hero.. can you please do the main index and add the Japanese links in all the other languages?

nwiizo commented 2 days ago

@salaboy Thank you for merging all the chapters. That's fantastic work. I'd be happy to create the main index and add the Japanese links to all the other language pages.

Would you like me to proceed this way? Or did you have a different approach in mind?

salaboy commented 2 days ago

That's perfect! I've just added one more link that was missing and this is all done! thank you so much @nwiizo any feedback that you might have about the tutorials please let me know.