salcode / bootstrap-genesis

WordPress Genesis Child Theme setup to use Bootstrap, Sass, and Grunt
MIT License
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Menus not working #87

Closed AgentFrameworks closed 9 years ago

AgentFrameworks commented 9 years ago

The menu dropdowns are not working with a fresh install of this theme. You click, nothing drops down.

salcode commented 9 years ago

By default, Bootstrap menus only support dropdowns under top level items that don't have a real link (e.g. href="#"). For more elaborate navs adjustments need to be made or a third party plugin like Ubermenu.

Is this the problem you are seeing?

AgentFrameworks commented 9 years ago

I don't think so.

I have # as the link for the parent link.

salcode commented 9 years ago

Strange, the <li> should automatically (via JavaScript) get the class .open added when clicked.

You can see in the screenshot where I added it manually via Google Inspector.

However, it is not being added when clicked on your site.


salcode commented 9 years ago

Okay, it looks like somewhere bootstrap.min.js is being included in your theme, which should be removed.

Bootstrap Genesis includes Bootstrap's JavaScript in javascript.min.js. My guess is when it gets included a second time, it is breaking the existing behavior.

Enqueuing that file would be the next thing I'd try.

If it still doesn't work, I'd disable all the plugins and try it again.


AgentFrameworks commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I am sorry you had to do that. I should have known. I have a plugin that has bootstrap on it. Thank you for your time.

salcode commented 9 years ago

Nothing to apologize for @AgentFrameworks

If we were enqueuing using a standard handle like "bootstrap" this problem might have been avoided but making that change leads to other problems (see #88)

I'm glad things are sorted. I'm going to close this issue.

JacoVintage commented 9 years ago

I had a similar issue, it was caused by the plugin > "Bootstrap Shortcodes", which added "bootstrap.js". I removed the plugin for now. Thanks