saleae / jtag-analyzer

Saleae JTAG Analyzer
MIT License
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FrameV2 support and output data before TMS stage shift #3

Open tylerjsmith opened 2 years ago

tylerjsmith commented 2 years ago

My goal here was to be able to write a High-Level analyzer for our development environment's debugger. The two problems were that this JTAG low-level analyzer doesn't output data until there is a state change. With our debugger, it remains in the Shift-DR state while debugging. So, I added the ability to chunk the data as it comes in, with the default value of "0" resulting in the same behavior as it currently provides. If changed to something like "8", then you get data output every 8 bits.

The second change is to output the data in a FrameV2 format for a python High-Level analyzer to be written.