salemdar / angular2-cookie

Implementation of Angular 1.x $cookies service to Angular 2
MIT License
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CookieService not found when used with TestBed #28

Closed andreivirtosu closed 7 years ago

andreivirtosu commented 7 years ago

Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but this test fails to compile with the angular2/systemjs/karma setup:

class mockCookieService {
describe('AppComponent with TCB', function () {
  beforeEach(() => {
        declarations: [AppComponent],
        providers: [
          { provide: CookieService, useClass: mockCookieService }

The error I get: 26 10 2016 11:35:57.473:WARN [web-server]: 404: /base/node_modules/angular2-cookie/services/cookies.service.js

The setup was based on angular2 quick-start project:

andreivirtosu commented 7 years ago

The issue was with karma configuration. So what's needed is: Add to karma.conf.js:

files: [
      // angular2-cookie
      { pattern: 'node_modules/angular2-cookie/**/*.js', included: false, watched: false },
      { pattern: 'node_modules/angular2-cookie/**/*', included: false, watched: false }

Add to karma-test-shim.js:

     packages: {
        'angular2-cookie': {
                  main: './core.js',
                  defaultExtension: 'js'
     map: {
             'angular2-cookie': 'npm:angular2-cookie'