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Reports with date parameters don't paginate #10384

Open MaxSantolo opened 3 months ago

MaxSantolo commented 3 months ago

After the creation of a report with date parameters (like from - to) and using "value" as parameter so that the user can enter a specific date, and after adding a main grouping of the report based on a "feedback field": if one of the groups has more than 20 items clicking the paging results in empty group.

Expected Behavior

Pagination should show the next 20 group results.

Actual Behavior

Pagination shows empty list and disables pagination buttons.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a report with "from" and "to" value of date parameters
  2. Group the report based on another field ("status" for example)
  3. Choose the dates and activate the report: no pagination


I need a report of leads grouped by feedback in a period of parametric dates (from - to)

Your Environment

serhiisamko091184 commented 3 months ago

Hello @MaxSantolo,

thanks for raising the issue,

I'm afraid I'm unable to replicate that behavior,

would you please be more specific about the report setting and add some screenshots if possible (particularly fields used and conditions applied)?

I'd like to clarify as well about modules - is it only the case for the Leads module or several modules?

Thanks in advance!

Regards, Serhii

MaxSantolo commented 3 months ago

@serhiisamko091184 Modules Impacted are leads and contacts.

Screenshot 2024-03-21 alle 08 57 34 Screenshot 2024-03-21 alle 08 57 21

Search Screenshot 2024-03-21 alle 08 58 58

After Next Page click Screenshot 2024-03-21 alle 08 59 11

serhiisamko091184 commented 3 months ago

Hello @MaxSantolo,

thank you for your quick response,

the issue has been moved to the SuiteCRM repo as present in v.7 as well.

I was not able to achieve the same behavior from the very first time, because having this set of local settings works fine for me: image

One more time thanks for bringing this up to our attention!

Regards, Serhii

MaxSantolo commented 3 months ago

Hello @serhiisamko091184, I can confirm It's a problem of date format. With mm/dd/yyyy works perfectly. Probably something in the js. Let me know if I can help in any way. Regards, Max