With the following settings enabled in password management:
Password should contain uppercase characters
Password should contain lowercase characters
Password should contain numbers
When creating or updating a user's password, if the above requirements are not met, the CRM tries to show notifications to the user but a javascript error occurs.
Expected Behavior
The CRM should have displayed the messages of:
Password should contain uppercase characters.
Password should contain numbers.
Actual Behavior
The following javascript error occurs:
Failed to launch 'location:%20index.php?action=EditView&module=Users&record=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.
Possible Fix
In the file: modules/Users/User.php, remove the string "Location: " from the method SugarApplication::redirect (Lines 687, 715 and 719)
Steps to Reproduce
Activate the following parameters in password management
Password should contain uppercase characters
Password should contain lowercase characters
Password should contain numbers
Create or edit a user.
Enter a password that does not meet the requirements of point 1.
Check javascript error in browser console.
Detected while trying to modify the password of a non-administrator user from an administrator user
Your Environment
SuiteCRM Version used: Version 7.11.15 - Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)
Browser name and version: Google chrome Versión 88.0.4324.150 (Build oficial) (64 bits)
In \modules\Users\User.php file on line number 687,715&719 remove the "Location"
eg from this return SugarApplication::redirect('Location: index.php?action=Error&module=Users');
to this return SugarApplication::redirect(' index.php?action=Error&module=Users');
With the following settings enabled in password management:
When creating or updating a user's password, if the above requirements are not met, the CRM tries to show notifications to the user but a javascript error occurs.
Expected Behavior
The CRM should have displayed the messages of:
Actual Behavior
The following javascript error occurs:
Failed to launch 'location:%20index.php?action=EditView&module=Users&record=XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX' because the scheme does not have a registered handler.
Possible Fix
In the file: modules/Users/User.php, remove the string "Location: " from the method SugarApplication::redirect (Lines 687, 715 and 719)
Steps to Reproduce
Detected while trying to modify the password of a non-administrator user from an administrator user
Your Environment