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Issue about Page admin/administration-panel/Google Sync.adoc #639

Closed hammerill closed 4 months ago

hammerill commented 4 months ago

Page with Issue

What is wrong, less clear, or missing

Hello, I just wanted to know how to delete all the saved tokens in order to "revert" the changes we made.

This guide clearly explains how to add Google sync and use it, but I couldn't find online any doc that would explain how do we cancel it. For example, we need to use another Google Cloud token, but reuploading and reauthorizing it raises the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Maybe, it would be more stable if this was a clear authorization, not a "re"-authorization.

Proposed fixes and/or additions

Please add a subsection to this guide explaining what files one has to delete in order to remove any trace of the Google sync.

pgorod commented 4 months ago


It's possible (or even, likely) that nobody knows how to do this, so it's not easy to just start writing docs for it.

If you raised this in the Forums instead, I believe you would have a better chance of getting attention.

hammerill commented 4 months ago

After this research, the solution we have is:

The ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED was caused by the wrong server redirection URI I forgot to update in our Google Cloud token. Setting it to a correct URI and re-adding it solved our problem.