Hi, big thanks for your great work and open-sourced code & weights.
I am fine-tuning/continuing training the checkpoints and hope you can kindly share some knowledge about the design & training details:
what's the average loss of the final checkpoint for OPT decoder, i.e., the captioning loss. I'd like to use this to check whether my model is converging.
did u have a plan to release some checkpoints of the first stage pre-training, as the Qformer trained after the first stage is model-agnostic?
Hi, big thanks for your great work and open-sourced code & weights. I am fine-tuning/continuing training the checkpoints and hope you can kindly share some knowledge about the design & training details:
what's the average loss of the final checkpoint for OPT decoder, i.e., the captioning loss. I'd like to use this to check whether my model is converging.
did u have a plan to release some checkpoints of the first stage pre-training, as the Qformer trained after the first stage is model-agnostic?