salesforce / aws-allowlister

Automatically compile an AWS Service Control Policy that ONLY allows AWS services that are compliant with your preferred compliance frameworks.
MIT License
221 stars 34 forks source link

Adds Markdown table output support; bump to version 0.2.0 #62

Closed kmcquade closed 3 years ago

kmcquade commented 3 years ago

What does this PR do?


aws-allowlister generate --pci --table

The results will look like this:

Service Prefix Service Name
account AWS Accounts
acm AWS Certificate Manager
amplify AWS Amplify
amplifybackend AWS Amplify Admin
apigateway Manage Amazon API Gateway
application-autoscaling Application Auto Scaling
appmesh AWS App Mesh
appstream Amazon AppStream 2.0
appsync AWS AppSync
athena Amazon Athena
autoscaling Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
autoscaling-plans AWS Auto Scaling
aws-portal AWS Billing
backup AWS Backup
batch AWS Batch
cassandra AWS Managed Apache Cassandra Service
chatbot AWS Chatbot
clouddirectory Amazon Cloud Directory
cloudformation AWS CloudFormation
cloudfront Amazon CloudFront
cloudhsm AWS CloudHSM
cloudtrail AWS CloudTrail
cloudwatch Amazon CloudWatch
codebuild AWS CodeBuild
codecommit AWS CodeCommit
codedeploy AWS CodeDeploy
codepipeline AWS CodePipeline
cognito-identity Amazon Cognito Identity
cognito-idp Amazon Cognito User Pools
cognito-sync Amazon Cognito Sync
comprehend Amazon Comprehend
comprehendmedical Comprehend Medical
config AWS Config
connect Amazon Connect
databrew AWS Glue DataBrew
dataexchange AWS Data Exchange
datasync DataSync
directconnect AWS Direct Connect
dms AWS Database Migration Service
ds AWS Directory Service
dynamodb Amazon DynamoDB
ebs Amazon Elastic Block Store
ec2 Amazon EC2
ec2messages Amazon Message Delivery Service
ecr Amazon Elastic Container Registry
ecs Amazon Elastic Container Service
eks Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes
elasticache Amazon ElastiCache
elasticbeanstalk AWS Elastic Beanstalk
elasticfilesystem Amazon Elastic File System
elasticloadbalancing Elastic Load Balancing V2
elasticmapreduce Amazon Elastic MapReduce
es Amazon Elasticsearch Service
events Amazon EventBridge
execute-api Amazon API Gateway
firehose Amazon Kinesis Firehose
fms AWS Firewall Manager
forecast Amazon Forecast
freertos Amazon FreeRTOS
fsx Amazon FSx
glacier Amazon Glacier
globalaccelerator AWS Global Accelerator
glue AWS Glue
greengrass AWS IoT Greengrass
groundstation AWS Ground Station
guardduty Amazon GuardDuty
health AWS Health APIs and Notifications
iam Identity And Access Management
importexport AWS Import Export Disk Service
inspector Amazon Inspector
iot AWS IoT
iot-device-tester AWS IoT Device Tester
iotdeviceadvisor AWS IoT Core Device Advisor
iotevents AWS IoT Events
iotwireless AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN
kendra Amazon Kendra
kinesis Amazon Kinesis
kinesisanalytics Amazon Kinesis Analytics V2
kinesisvideo Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
kms AWS Key Management Service
lakeformation AWS Lake Formation
lambda AWS Lambda
lex Amazon Lex
license-manager AWS License Manager
logs Amazon CloudWatch Logs
macie Amazon Macie Classic
macie2 Amazon Macie
mediaconnect AWS Elemental MediaConnect
mediaconvert AWS Elemental MediaConvert
medialive AWS Elemental MediaLive
mobiletargeting Amazon Pinpoint
mq Amazon MQ
neptune-db Amazon Neptune
opsworks AWS OpsWorks
opsworks-cm AWS OpsWorks Configuration Management
organizations AWS Organizations
outposts AWS Outposts
personalize Amazon Personalize
polly Amazon Polly
qldb Amazon QLDB
quicksight Amazon QuickSight
rds Amazon RDS
rds-data Amazon RDS Data API
rds-db Amazon RDS IAM Authentication
redshift Amazon Redshift
rekognition Amazon Rekognition
resource-groups AWS Resource Groups
robomaker AWS RoboMaker
route53 Amazon Route 53
route53domains Amazon Route53 Domains
s3 Amazon S3
sagemaker Amazon SageMaker
sdb Amazon SimpleDB
secretsmanager AWS Secrets Manager
securityhub AWS Security Hub
serverlessrepo AWS Serverless Application Repository
servicecatalog AWS Service Catalog
servicediscovery AWS Cloud Map
shield AWS Shield
sms AWS Server Migration Service
sms-voice Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service
snowball AWS Snowball
sns Amazon SNS
sqs Amazon SQS
ssm AWS Systems Manager
ssmmessages Amazon Session Manager Message Gateway Service
states AWS Step Functions
storagegateway Amazon Storage Gateway
sts AWS Security Token Service
support AWS Support
swf Amazon Simple Workflow Service
textract Amazon Textract
timestream AWS Timestream
transcribe Amazon Transcribe
transfer AWS Transfer for SFTP
translate Amazon Translate
trustedadvisor AWS Trusted Advisor
waf-regional AWS WAF Regional
wafv2 AWS WAF V2
workdocs Amazon WorkDocs
worklink Amazon WorkLink
workspaces Amazon WorkSpaces
xray AWS X-Ray

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