salesforce / aws-allowlister

Automatically compile an AWS Service Control Policy that ONLY allows AWS services that are compliant with your preferred compliance frameworks.
MIT License
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Go/Terraform Integration #74

Closed danquack closed 3 years ago

danquack commented 3 years ago

@kmcquade thanks for making this tool! I have a use case where Id like to run this through terraform, which currently I basically execute the pull into json and then soup it up, but I was wondering if there was any interest in making this part of a custom provider? This is somewhat a feature request, but due to the fact that its a completely different implementation strategy, feel free to close if you don't find interest in it!

jdyke commented 3 years ago

Hey @danquack ! In the meantime, you can find all of the compliance SCPs in the repo here:

Right now I am manually updating the terraform as this repo is updated but thats not the long-term solution (really not scalable). I actually talked with @kmcquade today about keeping the two repos synced somehow but it may make more sense to add tf to this one.

danquack commented 3 years ago

@jdyke does it make sense to do a web hook trigger from this repo to yours on publish to keep them in sync? Happy to contribute to whatever solution you decide on if need be.

kmcquade commented 3 years ago

Perhaps we can include Terraform module creation inside this repository, as part of this:

And the ScaleSec repository can leverage this as a remote Terraform module. Thoughts?

jdyke commented 3 years ago

Happy to reference it as a module from terraform_aws_scp -> aws-allowlister, it doesn't make sense to maintain it in two different places. Single source of truth is preferred and this repo is better suited for that.

yi2020 commented 3 years ago

I was just about to suggest the module approach as well. It will make it easy for anyone to include it in their own code (I know we want to!). The versioning on the module is important so that people don't accidentally have new SCP policy versions they didn't mean to use.

I would recommend having the module in a separate repo though, as Terraform/Hashi's structure around modules is quite specific and most modules I've ever seen live at the root of their GH repo. Will require syncing through a GH Action on the module repo probably, but easier from a usability perspective. @antonbabenko is an expert in this stuff.

kmcquade commented 3 years ago

That could make sense. It would have the benefit of clear GitHub issues dedicated to the Terraform module only.

danquack commented 3 years ago

@jdyke @kmcquade If I'm understanding this right, it makes sense to close this issue and open a new one in terraform_aws_scp?

jdyke commented 3 years ago

That is desirable from my point of view to keep the repos focused. The terraform repo is strictly for AWS SCPs written in HCL and already has some documentation outlining what they do. In the end it's up to @kmcquade !

kmcquade commented 3 years ago

I am cool with having this in the Terraform repo under ScaleSec!