salesforce / ja3

JA3 is a standard for creating SSL client fingerprints in an easy to produce and shareable way.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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JA3... really? I don't think this name is vague enough. We can do better. #86

Open 825i opened 1 year ago

825i commented 1 year ago

So you arrived at the name JA3. Honestly, I'm not impressed guys. I don't think this name is ambiguous enough. I think we can do better.

I propose that we change the name from JA3 to XZ8. I think if Salesforce wants to stay a leader in CRM, you need to think even harder about using acronyms and names that are even more difficult to recognise. I mean what is the point otherwise? If we are going to go with JA3, why don't we go all in?

Look. I'm sorry John Althouse ,Jeff Atkinson, and Josh Atkins but this name just doesn't cut it. If you want people to adopt this, you have to make the name even more mysterious, more vague and more ambiguous. If I only need to dig through 15 pages in my favourite search engine, to figure out why you ran with this awful name, then clearly someone wasn't trying hard enough.

No really, in all seriousness. What compels 3 people to name something so badly (even if it is after themselves) when it could be revolutionary? Can you imagine if Linus Torvalds had decided to name his OS "LT1"?

If you truly care about adoption and visibility. Rename the project. Especially as it's now evolved past the neckbeard-joke-phase.

WilliamSalusky commented 1 year ago

Love the comment @825i ! And the J A's have heard similar from me IRL, voice to ears. Hey J's, I swear that I am not 825i!

For fun, I've suggested these in the past: STUF = SSL / TLS Unique Fingerprints STFU = SSL / TLS Fingerprinting Uniqueness

Personally, I could see myself conversing about STUF hashes.

825i commented 1 year ago

STUF actually makes a LOT of sense. It's easily recognisable, practical and it's also even brand-worthy.

STFU is obviously... a little too edgy for something like this. I hope the 3 JA's have a look at this and come to an understanding that if this is going to really take off, it needs a rebrand.

Thanks again for your input William.

WilliamSalusky commented 1 year ago

STFU was tongue in cheek, not to say I haven't personally expanded the acronym in conversation with Althouse directly! ;)

Besides, the "Spamhaus Tactical Forensics Unit" already has dibs.

rlallen-nps commented 1 year ago

RSA has joined the chat.

philhagen commented 1 year ago

The irony of this issue being filed by an account named "825i"...

Seriously though? Doesn't matter. It's named what it's named and it works about as well as any other. We don't need a marketing department to name a hash. MD5 is probably a dumb name in someone's opinion too, but here we are.

825i commented 1 year ago

The irony of this issue being filed by an account named "825i"...

My name used to be a lot longer actually, it was [redacted] but I got bored of it and searched for a name that was much easier to write when connecting various services to Github, logging in, using tokens and all that kind of jazz. It starts to get annoying writing in your long username. You'd be surprised how long it took to find a 4 character username that wasn't taken.

In any case, the name still sucks. STUF would make much more sense all things considered. Never underestimate the usefulness of a good name. Another nice thing about mine is it's extremely memorable for me, but forgettable for everyone else, which is exactly what I want.

I mean what clown these days and in this world of security breaches, stalking, identity theft and other madhousery would ever list their real name, phone, location and so on, online. Someone like that probably has a self-titled blog they wrote in all of 5 times and never bothered to touch again, and they're likely still paying for the domain name 5 years later in case they ever get around to actually using it for something. They probably also put photos of their kids online too which predators love to batch download.

Hope you're not feeling attacked mate. Point is, everyone likes being cocky or even naïve until they lose that luxury. There's just as much reason to name something easily identifiable (JA3), as there is to not (825i).

RSA has joined the chat.

Made by 3 j*ws. No bonus points for wondering why they named it after themselves.

philhagen commented 1 year ago

you're certainly a piece of work. cheers and best of luck to you.