salesforce / lwc

⚡️ LWC - A Blazing Fast, Enterprise-Grade Web Components Foundation
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feat: add `data-lwc-host-mutated` during SSR #4358

Open nolanlawson opened 5 days ago

nolanlawson commented 5 days ago


Detects when an SSR'd component mutates its own host element (e.g. adding/removing classes/attributes) during its connectedCallback, adding a data-lwc-host-mutated attribute. This attribute is read during hydration time, and validation for the element's classes/attrs is skipped entirely, the same as if the component had explicitly set static validationOptOut = true.

The goal is to make it easier for component authors to ignore small hydration errors caused by mutating their hosts during connectedCallback.

Does this pull request introduce a breaking change?

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Kinda? But this is for SSR, which is not officially supported yet, and this removes restrictions rather than adding them.

GUS work item