salesforce / lwc

⚡️ LWC - A Blazing Fast, Enterprise-Grade Web Components Foundation
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Define manual DOM manipulation in the template #514

Open caridy opened 5 years ago

caridy commented 5 years ago

Sometimes, components need to insert d3 and other markup that can't be produced by describing it in the template. In this case, we should allow templates to signal that the entire template, or at least an element in the template is supposed to be a portal to show 3rd party content.

diervo commented 5 years ago


caridy commented 5 years ago

how to use d3 inside LWC?

diervo commented 5 years ago

All DOM APIs should work no?

caridy commented 5 years ago

We have some restrictions in place, and we were planning to add more:

caridy commented 5 years ago

Revamping this since we are having some issues with retargeting, e.g. :

diervo commented 5 years ago

Well the portal usecase is specially important for CSS since we are workarounding the retargeting for now.

caridy commented 5 years ago

The concept is not really about a portal, but about manipulation of dom elements inside the template via imperative API. We have implemented a new directive:

    <div lwc:dom="manual"></div>

where only leaf nodes can have that directive in the template, and only those elements could be manipulated by appending or removing children to them. Those new elements inserted there will be adopted by the shadow, which means they will behave just like anything else from the actual template.


Let's keep this open until after we make the current warning a hard error.

caridy commented 5 years ago

maybe solved by

caridy commented 4 years ago

@ekashida can you confirm that his is now done?

ekashida commented 4 years ago

@caridy From what I can tell, this issue is to track the lwc:dom="manual" feature, which has already been implemented. I think you commented above that we should keep this issue open until we convert all the error logging into actual exceptions.