saleweaver / python-amazon-sp-api

Python wrapper to access the amazon selling partner API
MIT License
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'message': 'Access to requested resource is denied.', 'code': 'Unauthorized' issue #12

Closed The-Geology-Guy closed 3 years ago

The-Geology-Guy commented 3 years ago

I have been getting this error for every request. I currently have a Seller Central account and I am trying to gain access to the api. I have followed the documentation provided by amazon to set up the necessary credentials, but still receive the 'Access to requested resource is denied.' error message. I have checked in on the access_token that is being generated and it matches the 'Atza|xxxxxx' format, so I do not believe that is the issue.

Additionally, I have been following the Self Authorization guidelines to get the refresh token used here, so I am unsure as to why I am getting the error.

I have searched through the issues here and under the Seller-partner-api-docs and found no solution.

from sp_api.api.orders.orders import Orders

os.environ["SP_API_REFRESH_TOKEN"] = "Atzr|xxxxxxxx"
os.environ["LWA_APP_ID"] = "amzn1.application-oa2-client.xxxxxxxx"
os.environ["LWA_CLIENT_SECRET"] = "xxxxxxxx"
os.environ["SP_API_SECRET_KEY"] = "xxxxxxxx"
os.environ["SP_API_ACCESS_KEY"] = "xxxxxxxx"
os.environ["SP_API_ROLE_ARN"] = "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxx:role/SellerPartnerAPIRole"
os.environ["SP_AWS_REGION"] = "us-east-1"

    res = Orders().get_orders(CreatedAfter=(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7)).isoformat())
    print(res.payload)  # json data
except SellingApiException as ex:

output {'Date': 'Wed, 27 Jan 2021 15:22:51 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '141', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'x-amzn-RequestId': '387bf5b0-58c6-4dee-93a0-47c3da1fadc0', 'x-amzn-ErrorType': 'AccessDeniedException', 'x-amz-apigw-id': 'Z0HDvHjOoAMF0Aw='} {'errors': [{'message': 'Access to requested resource is denied.', 'code': 'Unauthorized', 'details': ''}]} [{'message': 'Access to requested resource is denied.', 'code': 'Unauthorized', 'details': ''}]

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

You have to set environment variables from the cli with export ... ...

sdaeric19 commented 3 years ago

Hello @saleweaver Thank you for creating this library and documentation, massively appreciated.

I'm also facing the exact same issue as @The-Geology-Guy .

I created AWS CLI Named Profile for my IAM User, connected the IAM role as per AWS documentation and exported the Named profile as env variable. But still getting response. ==> "[{'message': 'Access to requested resource is denied.', 'code': 'Unauthorized', 'details': ''}]"

What am I missing?

Best wishes, Eric

sdaeric19 commented 3 years ago

BTW my Developer Profile was approved via email from Seller Central Support but still shows "Your developer registration is under review" under Apps & Services -> Develop Apps.

So my Application Client Status is showing "Draft". Wondering if this has anything to do with why it's not working.

Kindly advise. Many thanks

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

Can you check if one of the credentials I've noted here is wrong? The client status is draft unless you publish the app on the mws app store, so this shouldn't be the issue here. I don't know if "Your developer registration is under review" could be the culprint, might be though.

For the moment you should start with checking the credentials from the link, try a different endpoint maybe and see if that works.

Did you register the application with the role's ARN or the user's ARN?

t-wittkopf commented 3 years ago

I encountered the same error. The solution for me was to switch to the correct Marketplace in the client. I tried calling the DE marketplace but default in the client is the US marketplace. So if you have registered your app to another marketplace than US then you have to edit the client. At least that worked for me. Also thanks for this great wrapper btw Michael!

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@t-wittkopf Thanks for this addition, that's a good hint! Would you mind to add this as an answer to the FAQ please

t-wittkopf commented 3 years ago

@saleweaver done!

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

Danke dir!

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

` from sp_api.api.orders import orders

from sp_api.base import SellingApiException

from datetime import datetime,timedelta

credentials=dict( refresh_token='Atzr|IwEBID4iuveBq95IlPBzGRq2KK3PhWUWAC5HQ7Wj9-dsIz4lKqfI- 0IP5dSoojHbV3fZg8TuwCqCOVgSexu9r16iQON8tRAydx5RPGPMd-
sYHV0Z__G2YtN6rja3eYCksRIo2Zc4DfEsBSViQhp4mUchLyqrAb2vvCgCyYeftKl6Adwtycc7R7REhbQdz2KjUa0IcFNwne2b- SoWOZnaYBhh2hohFsoCoWHvOMbhKNPmi4L7Nl8joMTlgY2tdZffo50Rb_izOxNZ0DrfKDuYmaKbF_FOIVW5ppYLbH1KaVVnABL- 0wkBD7i2fxh_Qp4rFIqOC5w',








res=orders.Orders(credentials=credentials).get_orders(CreatedAfter=(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=7)).isoformat())


except SellingApiException as ex:


i am putting all of the credentials correctly from the seller center but i am getting this error [{'message': 'Access to requested resource is denied.', 'code': 'Unauthorized', 'details': ''}] can u please tell me where i am doing thinks worng?

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@ritik-novostack Did the proposed solutions above and in the FAQ not work for you? The region you are using is definitely wrong, maybe you have to pass a marketplace as explained in the docs?

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@saleweaver where to put market place credentials?

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@ritik-novostack Here's the client usage explained, just pass it as a parameter:

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

orders.Orders(credentials=credentials).get_orders(CreatedAfter=(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=7)).isoformat()) can u please tell me where to put this parameter in above code? @saleweaver

saleweaver commented 3 years ago


Orders(marketplace=Marketplaces.<Your marketplace>, credentials=credentials )

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@saleweaver still getting the same error [{'message': 'Access to requested resource is denied.', 'code': 'Unauthorized', 'details': ''}]

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@ritik-novostack Then you'll have to check your credentials and your app's permissions.

t-wittkopf commented 3 years ago

@ritik-novostack have you maybe used the App ID instead of the LWA Client identifier as value for the credentials lwa_app_id parameter? It's a bit confusing. You can find the LWA Client in your selllercentral when clicking on View under LWA Credentials.

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@t-wittkopf It has to be the LWA client id, the one they have looks correct. It's pretty hard to debug since amazon doesn't return any helpful error descriptions... Since the role already has a trailing 2, my best guess is that the credential's setup is mixed up somehow.

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@t-wittkopf @saleweaver i am putting the LWA client id in lwa_app_id can u please help me in figuring out the app setting that to be change?

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@ritik-novostack Your settings seem to be correct, at least where you put which value. Your credentials look like you've tried to create at least the role multiple times; to figure out if there's a problem with permissions, or if your app registration in sellercentral is correct, I'd need more information. Maybe just try to start from scratch and create a set of new user, role, ... as in Amazon's docs, create a new app and try with that. It's very important to follow the guide closely.

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@saleweaver i have already registered 2 app in sellercentral by following there sp api guide closely. please tell me which information u want from me to correctly configure the sp api?

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@saleweaver man can u please help me regrading this issue because i am helpless right now?

sdaeric19 commented 3 years ago

@ritik-novostack what are you struggling with? Have you set the 6 credentials correctly? Have you passed marketplace parameter in the client like this?

res = Sales(marketplace=Marketplaces.GB).get_order_metrics(marketplaceIds=["A1F83G8C2ARO7P"],
                                                               interval=(start_time, end_time),
saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@sdaeric19 They have set them all, yes. Either they are calling an endpoint they don't have permissions to call, or they are using wrong credentials or they are mixed up. @ritik-novostack Please provide the information I've asked for yesterday and try the steps I recommended yesterday, then we can look into this further.

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

screenshot-sellercentral-amazon-in-sellingpartner-developerconsole-application-1613139506075 (1)

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@sdaeric19 @saleweaver sir which information u need for this please tell me?

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

I'll have more time tonight, I can take a look into this then. For the start, please generate a new refresh token and see if that works. Then try the usual debugging steps, changing one key a time and look what happens

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@ritik-novostack How does an empty form help? I'm happy to help you, but you'll need to try at least one of the recommendations.

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

screenshot-sellercentral-amazon-in-sellingpartner-developerconsole-application-listing-1613140911951 just to be clear it is not necessary to full fill this details in app to access the sp-api?

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@saleweaver sir i have already done when i request the api i put new refresh token

saleweaver commented 3 years ago

@ritik-novostack Did recreating the token help?

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@saleweaver in aws setting?

ritik-novostack commented 3 years ago

@saleweaver @sdaeric19 thank you soo much for your support i solve it now can u please help me in uploading the feed data using the sp api. i mean what is the text file format to put data in submit_feed function? can u please put an example text file of that? this will really helpful for me thankyou

Prasand14 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm also facing the same issue. can someone please me to fix it. I could retrieve the same data from Postman without any access issue. Can someone help me where I'm going wrong.

from sp_api.api import Sales from sp_api.base import Granularity from sp_api.api import Orders

credentials=dict( refresh_token = SP_REFRESH_TOKEN, lwa_app_id = SP_CLIENT_ID, lwa_client_secret = SP_CLIENT_SECRET, aws_secret_key = SP_SECRET_KEY, aws_access_key = SP_ACCESS_KEY, role_arn = role_arn )

interval=("2022-03-22T00:00:00-07:00", "2022-03-23T00:00:00-07:00"), response = Sales(credentials=credentials,marketplace=Marketplaces.US).get_order_metrics(interval, Granularity.TOTAL, granularityTimeZone='US/Central')

Error: Screenshot 2022-03-31 134715