salgo60 / Wikidata_riksdagen-corpus

repository for matching Wikidata with riksdagen-corpus
MIT License
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Feedback Riksdagens Corpus #164

Open salgo60 opened 11 months ago

salgo60 commented 11 months ago

copy of

The big step I see with this project Riksdagens Corpus

What I lack from project Riksdagens corpus - 2023 oct

salgo60 commented 10 months ago

Why cant they work together and produce ONE knowledgegraph and support citation graphs?

What I observe is a lack of an ecosystem - #datasilos.

While the project serves as a commendable example of GitHub utilization, it appears to overlook fundamental aspects such as semantic skills. Additionally, there seems to be little collaboration with Riksarkivet, SBL, museums, etc., suggesting they operate within another new data silo.

My conclusion

The aforementioned project had machine learning professionals, and their use of GitHub was commendable. However, we require individuals with a digital foresight who can confidently communicate expectations to other organizations.

Those overseeing finances must acquire new competencies and possess a vision for building an ecosystem.


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salgo60 commented 10 months ago