salisuwy / Pepper-Robot-Displays-User-Input

Pepper Humanoid Robot Displaying User Speech on its Tablet
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Dialog Box is not processing #1

Open maverickjoy opened 6 years ago

maverickjoy commented 6 years ago

Hi, It worked well initially but after some time its Dialog Box stopped responding the signal was not sent further from the Dialog box. I tried to reboot Pepper aswell but still the issue is the same . Any suggestions ?

maverickjoy commented 6 years ago

Is there any way programatically , I can check what Pepper has heard from the user ? Thanks

salisuwy commented 6 years ago

Hello @maverickjoy I really can't tell what the problem is. However, you can view what the robot is hearing by adding a log statement inside the "onInput_onStart" method of the "Python Box" like this:

def onInput_onStart(self, keyword):

Make sure you open the log viewer in Choregraphe while running the application

maverickjoy commented 6 years ago

Hi @salisuwy Thanks, I guess that was due to constraints on using wildcard character (* ), It again started working on a new day, but is there any other way to use it? like not through Choreographe , I was using in one of my topic files and then I generated an event captured it in a python script but unfortunately whenever I use _ it doesn't work, had it been some other wildcard character it works.

So my question is still the same, if you know can you tell me please how to know what pepper has heard without using Choreographe, but maybe from using naoqi library in any launguage c++ or python ?

salisuwy commented 6 years ago

Hi @maverickjoy At the moment, I only have the Choregraphe version of the app. However, you can still subscribe to the "ALMemory" module in your python/c++ code and print whatever the robot is hearing. I will try to see if I can rewrite the code and get back to you hopefully before the end of the week.

maverickjoy commented 6 years ago

Thanks @salisuwy , I can subscribe to "ALMemory" module but I don't know which key to subscribe which will provide me input method . I also tried to check all the key-pairs available using ALMemoryProxy::getDataListName() it is a long list of 8411 entries but I was again unable to locate the appropriate one. It will be great If you try it once, maybe you will know better. Ill be looking forward for your response till the end of week.