salk31 / RedQueryBuilder

SQL Query Builder UI JavaScript component
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Feature - Add Lazy scrolling to Suggestbox #27

Closed prospectoria closed 9 years ago

prospectoria commented 10 years ago

Add Lazy Scrolling to gwt-Suggestbox. Currently when you type a character into the gwt-Suggestbox it displays a list of 20 values. We need to be able to scroll this list and when we scroll to the end it should send a request for the next 20 values. This means that the ajax call that populates this list will also have to send a page number that is incremented every time a scroll down to the end occurs.

prospectoria commented 10 years ago

This appears to be working (in the tardis branch), here is the perl script I use on the back-end (for those it may help)


use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
use CGI;
use JSON;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);

my $q = new CGI();

my $sql = $q->param('sql');

if(!defined($sql)) {
    print $q->header(-type => 'application/json');
    print "{'status':'fail','msg':'sql not defined'}";


my @args = $q->url_param('arg');
my $rp = $q->param('rp'); # number per page
my $page = $q->param('page'); # current page

if(!(defined $page) || $page eq '') {
    $page = 1;

if(!(defined $rp) || $rp eq '') {

# calculate our start/end rows

$page -= 1;
my $r0 = $page * $rp;
my $r1 = $r0 + $rp;

# $dbconf comes from some custom config stuff from my app.  Replace this with your local
database connectity code
# to get your database handle

my $DSN = "DBI:mysql:".$dbconf{'dbname'}.";mysql_read_default_file=".$dbconf{'deffile'};
my $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN, $dbconf{'user'}, $dbconf{'pass'},
                    {'RaiseError' => 0, 'PrintError' => 0});

$sql =~ s/\"/\`/g; # mysql/perl DBI will not work with quotes (at least in my current setup)

my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);


my @rowsout;
my $retstr = {};
my $count = -1;

while(my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
    # TODO: replace this with $sth->rows
    if ($count < $r0 || $count >= $r1) {

    # TODO: Add types for fields, i.e. string/int, etc.
    # loop through each column
    push(@rowsout, { 'cell' => \@row });

$retstr->{page} = $page +1;
$retstr->{total} = $count +1;
$retstr->{rows} = \@rowsout;

my $j = JSON->new;

print $q->header(-type => 'text/json');
print $j->utf8->encode($retstr);
prospectoria commented 9 years ago

I'm closing this one as it is working as spec'd tyvm. Please re-open if there are still issues.