salmar / spring-websocket-chat

Chat application using Spring WebSockets
614 stars 316 forks source link

Fix the #2

Closed marrafi closed 9 years ago

marrafi commented 9 years ago

You might want fix the gradle build as follows compile("") springBootVersion = '1.3.0.M3'

superjames commented 9 years ago

+1 Thanks !

It removed this error when building:

09:23:23.624 [INFO] [org.gradle.api.Project] Configuring agent 09:23:23.627 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.Project] Agent: null 09:23:23.652 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] 09:23:23.656 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. 09:23:23.657 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] 09:23:23.658 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] * Where: 09:23:23.658 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] Build file '/tmp/spring-websocket-chat/build.gradle' line: 3 09:23:23.659 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] 09:23:23.660 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] * What went wrong: 09:23:23.662 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] A problem occurred evaluating root project 'spring-websocket-chat'. 09:23:23.663 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] > org/gradle/mvn3/org/apache/maven/model/building/ModelBuildingException 09:23:23.664 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] 09:23:23.664 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] * Try: 09:23:23.665 [ERROR] [org.gradle.BuildExceptionReporter] Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. 09:23:23.666 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.BuildResultLogger] 09:23:23.667 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.BuildResultLogger] BUILD FAILED 09:23:23.667 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.BuildResultLogger] 09:23:23.668 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.BuildResultLogger] Total time: 6.728 secs

salmar commented 9 years ago

I've updated the following dependencies:

Spring Boot 1.3.0.M5 Commons Pool 2 2.4.2 Netty 4.0.31.Final Reactor 2.0.5.RELEASE Spring Session 1.0.2.RELEASE