salomvary / soundcleod

SoundCloud for macOS and Windows
MIT License
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FR: Lastfm scrobbler #30

Closed farfromrefug closed 10 years ago

farfromrefug commented 11 years ago

I just discovered that app and i must say i really like it. I miss a few features before switching from chrome to this. And one of them is to be able to scrobble what i listen to to lastfm. Currently i do that with this

Thanks for your amazing work!

salomvary commented 11 years ago

While I totally understand the need for scrobbling, I don't see this to be implemented as part of SoundCleod. The two ways of solving this would be:

(supporting chrome extensions is far more ambitious than SoundCleod ever wants to be)

farfromrefug commented 11 years ago

If we get userscript, i ll implement the script!

I understand you not wanting to support chrome ext :D I was not asking for it. More of an integrated feature. Soundcleod is a musik app, lastfm is a big part of that musik world :)

Will ask for lastfm integration in soundcloud directly


cheshire137 commented 10 years ago

Any word on this? This is the main thing I need from the standalone app, too.

cheshire137 commented 10 years ago

Just found this Chrome extension that lets you use your media keys to control music in Chrome tabs, so I can stick to Soundcloud in the browser because that extension combined with this one that scrobbles gets me my media key support and my scrobbling.

salomvary commented 10 years ago

@moneypenny thanks for the links, good to know these exists.

However, as said above, we are not planning to have scrobbling built into SoundCleod and supporting userscripts (#17) is not going to happen soon (unless someone volunteers implementing it).

zvonicek commented 9 years ago

I'd love to implement this feature myself, but the problem is that SoundCloud does not have unified song titles. So sometimes there is artist there, sometimes there isn't, sometimes there is even some other mess there. Guys, do you know any good way to parse the title?

JacopKane commented 9 years ago

@zvonicek While I'm not quite sure if this will be helpfull or how exactly but you can checkout and APIs to guess exact titles. Although this would be a whole another project i assume.

zvonicek commented 9 years ago

So it's almost done :wink: I've adopted some SoundCloud-related tag cleaning code from project and it works quite reliably. Furthemore, I check the artist and the title against the database and in case of no result I do not scrobble the track.

So for now it's in my fork (, I just need to do some testing and I'll create a pull request then.

sammarcus commented 7 years ago

Hi! Just wanted to double check, even with the electron rewrite this is still not on the agenda, correct?

salomvary commented 7 years ago

Definitely not. SoundCleod will never add/modify/remove features to and this definitely falls into that category.

The only development I can imagine into this direction is exposing play/pause events from SoundCleod so that external applications can consume and implement whatever they want (including a Lastfm scrobbler).

Created an issue here but I'm unlikely to implement this any time soon (contributions are always welcome).

sammarcus commented 7 years ago

That's what I had imagined. And thanks for #119, it seems like the most logical solve to this!