salortiz / NativeHelpers-Blob

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Test fails while installing in docker container #12

Open wayland opened 3 weeks ago

wayland commented 3 weeks ago


FROM rakuland/raku:latest
LABEL maintainer="Tim Nelson <>"

##### Install general packages
#ENV PKGS="zlib-dev curl"
ENV PKGS="openssl-dev bash"

RUN apk update && apk upgrade && apk add --no-cache $PKGS $PKGS_TMP

##### Set up raku user
# Apparently it's important for the user to be 1001 for GitHub actions
RUN addgroup -S raku && adduser -S raku -G raku -u 1001
RUN rm -rf /tmp/.zef && mkdir -p /tmp/.zef && chown raku:raku /tmp/.zef
USER raku
WORKDIR /home/raku

##### Install public raku packages
        zef install -v CSV::Parser DBIish Hash::Ordered Hash::Agnostic \
        && rm -rf /tmp/.zef

ENTRYPOINT tail -f /dev/null

From what I can see, one of these includes NativeHelpers::Blob. Relevant part of output:

[Hash::Ordered] Result: PASS
===> Testing [OK] for Hash::Ordered:ver<0.0.4>:auth<zef:lizmat>
===> Testing: NativeHelpers::Blob:ver<0.1.12>:auth<github:salortiz>
[NativeHelpers::Blob] t/00-trivial.t .. ok
[NativeHelpers::Blob] t/01-basic.t .... ok
[NativeHelpers::Blob] t/02-cstruct.t .. Dubious, test returned 255
[NativeHelpers::Blob] All 35 subtests passed 
[NativeHelpers::Blob] t/03-pointer.t .. ok
[NativeHelpers::Blob] t/99-my-meta.t .. ok
[NativeHelpers::Blob] All tests successful.
[NativeHelpers::Blob] Test Summary Report
[NativeHelpers::Blob] -------------------
[NativeHelpers::Blob] t/02-cstruct.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
[NativeHelpers::Blob] Non-zero exit status: 255
[NativeHelpers::Blob]   Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 35 tests but ran 0.
[NativeHelpers::Blob] Files=5, Tests=36,  4 wallclock secs
[NativeHelpers::Blob] Result: FAILED
===> Testing [FAIL]: NativeHelpers::Blob:ver<0.1.12>:auth<github:salortiz>
The command '/bin/sh -c zef install -v CSV::Parser DBIish Hash::Ordered Hash::Agnostic  && rm -rf /tmp/.zef' returned a non-zero code: 1
wayland commented 2 weeks ago

Update: This works on rakudo-star:bookworm (which is Debian-based), and rakudo-star:alpine (which is alpine-based), but not on rakuland/raku (which is Alpine based).