salortiz / NativeHelpers-Blob

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Testing fails on rakudo HEAD as of 2019-06-06 #9

Closed japhb closed 5 years ago

japhb commented 5 years ago

zef install failed with:

===> Testing: NativeHelpers::Blob:ver<0.1.12>:auth<github:salortiz>
Type check failed in binding to parameter '$type'; expected Blob but got Buf[uint8] (Buf[uint8])
  in sub blob-from-pointer at .../.zef/store/NativeHelpers-Blob.git/b00a4899ce219dae5fe97e9e414d01dd92874f53/lib/NativeHelpers/Blob.pm6 (NativeHelpers::Blob) line 93
  in sub blob-from-carray at .../.zef/store/NativeHelpers-Blob.git/b00a4899ce219dae5fe97e9e414d01dd92874f53/lib/NativeHelpers/Blob.pm6 (NativeHelpers::Blob) line 121
  in block <unit> at t/01-basic.t line 36

# Looks like you planned 24 tests, but ran 15
===> Testing [FAIL]: NativeHelpers::Blob:ver<0.1.12>:auth<github:salortiz>
Aborting due to test failure: NativeHelpers::Blob:ver<0.1.12>:auth<github:salortiz> (use --force-test to override)
vrurg commented 5 years ago

This is caused by incorrect smartmatching of curried roles. rakudo/rakudo#2717 fixes the problem. Unfortunately, I'm shunning merge until the PR is reviewed.

slobo commented 5 years ago

(correct link to the rakudo issue: rakudo/rakudo#2717)

vrurg commented 5 years ago

rakudo/rakudo@6c023546 closes the problem.

japhb commented 5 years ago

Verified fixed.