salsita / prism

React / Redux action composition made simple
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Name of the library #35

Closed tomkis closed 7 years ago

tomkis commented 8 years ago

When I was presenting redux-elm @ reactive vienna I guess that @ryyppy had a good point about inconsistency between redux-elm and elm 17+ which has removed some concepts (FRP) and did slight changes in component composition. Function forwardTo has been removed and replaced by which goal is technically still the same.

Anyway, after re-thinking everything we can now declare that redux-elm and elm shares just idea of fractability by utilizing component composition. This is hardly the most important part of Elm.

The long term goal has always been renaming the library and distancing from original Elm architecture since we don't want to blindly copy what already exists.

I filed this issue and would appreciate any feedback on this + possible name suggestions.

eliperelman commented 8 years ago

Is the goal to have the library name still be redux-* or completely abstract?

tomkis commented 8 years ago

Yes that's the goal. We were thinking of redux-fractal.

stratospark commented 8 years ago

Great library! Here are some ideas:

redux-wrap redux-nested

Here's a wild one: refrakt! Unfortunately, refract is already taken:

tomkis commented 8 years ago

I really like refract and because it looks like the name is taken by some active library we might want to use name refractor which is obviously taken too however the repo doesn't seem very active.

eliperelman commented 8 years ago

How about then refractal?

jmarceli commented 8 years ago

Or maybe reactal.

ghola commented 8 years ago

Fractal is about symmetry: resym

ghola commented 8 years ago

Fractal is about a pattern that repeats itself: repattern, repat

tomkis commented 7 years ago

Library has been renamed to prism not redux-prism since technically it's not related only to redux but react as well.

jmarceli commented 7 years ago

@tomkis are you sure that prism is the right naming choice? There is already well known library which will make any topic related to this repository hard to find with Google.