salt-formulas / salt-formula-rabbitmq

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Ability to change setting cluster_partition_handling #39

Closed wasfree closed 6 years ago

wasfree commented 7 years ago

According to the documentation from rabbitmq it is not recommenced in all cases to use network partitions (see So it should be possible to configure cluster_partition_handling to another value than autoheal. Right now it is hard coded to autoheal:


              {%- from "rabbitmq/map.jinja" import cluster with context %}
              {cluster_partition_handling, autoheal},
                          {packet, raw},
                          {reuseaddr, true},
                          {backlog, 128},
                          {nodelay, true},
                          {exit_on_close, false},
                          {keepalive, true}

My suggestion would be to leave it as default at autoheal. But in case someone need to change it, to do this via pillars. I will try to add an merge request in the next days to archive this.

wasfree commented 6 years ago

fixed in #41