The Backblaze S3 Compatible API features limited support for ACLs (Access Control Lists). Get Object ACL and Get Bucket ACL calls will work as expected. However, object-level ACLs are not supported. For example, a Get Object ACL call returns the ACL for the Bucket the object is contained in.
If a Bucket is private, the ACL returned for the Bucket and any files within the bucket will be “private”. If a Bucket is public, the ACL returned for the Bucket and any files within the bucket will be “public-read”.
The S3 Compatible API supports the Put Bucket ACL call to change between "private" and “public-read” only. Attempting to put a different value will return an error.
The Put Object ACL call only supports the same canned ACL values mentioned previously. The call will succeed only when specified ACL matches the ACL of the bucket.
通过b2修改cors为指定要求后,上传文件进行测试,第一步的option请求正常返回200,第二步的PUT操作返回状态码400,内容提示不支持ACL 'authenticated-read'类型
如果考虑后期支持BackBlaze B2的话主要有两点:
1、只有private和public类型,功能上可能需要调整 2、自定义域名增加自定义路径,这样可以直接匹配经过CDN的文件路径